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12/23/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/23/1968 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 12:05:34 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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0 <br />Mr. Howard Speiser appeared before the Council to request a variance for a lot less <br />than 2 1/2 acres in size on Birch Street. Mr. Cardinal moved, upon the recom- <br />mendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, to grant a variance to Mr. Speiser <br />upon the property described as follows: <br />The South 229.74 feet of the East 104.35 feet of the West 744 feet of the <br />NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 29, Township 31, Range 22 in Anoka County <br />Minnesota; said distances being measured parallel to the South and West <br />lines of said NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4; subject to an easement for road purposes <br />over the Southerly 33 feet thereof. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />Another representative for the Rural Cooperative Power Association of Elk River <br />was present to answer questions on the line to cross Lino Park. He stated that there <br />was a rate of $175 per lot compensation for the overhanging line and also compen- <br />sation for any poles placed on the property. A 75' easement is necessary so that <br />the company can clear tree branches. He said the company was reasonably sure that <br />they could maintain a 40' minimum height over the 1000' span. The Council requested <br />a letter from RCPA indicating whether the company maintains responsibility for any <br />damage should the line become severed. Mr. L'Allier appointed Mr. Rosengren and <br />two people of his choice to appraise the park property for the compensation due for <br />the line and to report the findings at the next meeting. <br />At 8:54 the hearing for a special use permit and rezoning for Molin Concrete Products <br />Company was called to order. Mr. Gotwald was asked for his thoughts on necessary <br />screening between the company's land and Twitchell Cemetery. He thought the nicest <br />screening would be a combination of lombardy poplar or lilac bushes with spruce or <br />other evergreen; a manual is available. Mr. Locher stated that proper notices had <br />been mailed and published and all prerequisite requirements had been met for the <br />hearings. The representative stated that a total of five acres (260' z 830') was <br />being held for the cemetery; this left 55 acres for Molin. The correct legal <br />description involving the five acre parcel will begiven to Mr. Locher to publish <br />once in the paper. <br />After discussion Mr. Cardinal moved that Ordinance 6L be adopted, and that a special <br />use permit be granted to Molin Concrete Products Company to construct, maintain, <br />and operate, according to law, a concrete products manufacturing operation, in- <br />cluding all necessary structures and improvements incident thereto on the lands <br />situate in the Village of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota, and which are de- <br />scribed in Ordinance 6L with the stipulation that adequate screening (to be worked <br />out with the Engineer) be provided across the west and north sides of the Twitchell <br />Cemetery. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. Mr. Bohjanen moved to adjourn the <br />hearing at 9:06 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Stockstead, who had previously appeared concerning a rezoning at the Southeast <br />corner of 35E and Main Street for construction of a DX Sunray Travel Mart, asked <br />for hearings to be set. Since the P&Z had approved his request, a special hearing was <br />set up for Mr. Stockstead before the P&Z on January 15, 1969, at 8:30 p.m. and a <br />hearing before the Council on January 27 at 8:30 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Cardinal <br />seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion Carried. Mr. Stockstead was advised that a variance <br />could be requested at that time, the lot being only 1.7 acres in size. <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that he was present at this meeting because he would be unable <br />to attent the first meeting in January. He presented the up -to -date actual zoning <br />map. Mr. Cardinal moved to accept this map as official zoning map of the Village <br />subject to any subsequent additions and revisions. Mr. Gotwald agreed to update <br />the map at each rezoning. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />
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