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05/26/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/26/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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170 <br />A letter dated May 20 from Coon Rapids Chrysler Plymouth, Inc. was read stating <br />that our acceptance of their bid for a police car.had been received too late <br />(after May 12) for the factory to accept the order for a current model car. <br />They suggested either waiting for the 1970 model (to be introduced in Oct.B- <br />Nov. 1969) or to get a regular Fury 1 with heavy duty equipment. Mr. L'Allier <br />stated that he had discussed this with the police, that they felt it would be <br />better to wait for the 1970 model car. They would have to re -apply for bids <br />later. Mr. Bohjanen suggested that a letter be sent to the company telling <br />them our decision. This will be done. <br />The Clerk had received three copies of the Lexington Fire Contract to be signed, <br />two to be returned to Lexington. Mr. L'Allier noted that the fees were the <br />same; Mr. Locher would check. <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of May 21 were read: Then the letter <br />from Mr. Gotwald regarding Mr. Cecil LaMotte on the road bond was read, giving <br />costs for Class 5 gravel base, bituminous prime coat, 2" bituminous plant mix <br />surface and integral curb, seal coat and drainage structure at $5,635.00, <br />bond at $8,452.50; for the above using machine laid curb rather than integral <br />curb, cost at $6,910.00, bond at $10,365.00. Also, that Mr. LaMotte Should <br />submit a set of plans for approval, showing designed street grades and drainage <br />structures. There was discussion of the two types of curling, Mr. Rosengren <br />favoring the integral curb which is cheaper and lower in height and would not <br />have to be cut for driveways as it can be driven over also it is not likely <br />to be chewed up by the snowplows. Mr. Cardinal felt that on Mr. Lochers approval, <br />it was okay that Mr. LaMotte provide a cash deposit in the amount of the bond <br />rather than an actual bond, this way Mr. LaMotte is drawing interest on his <br />deposit at the bank rather than having to pay 7 1/2 per cent interest on a bond <br />besides pledging collateral; the money on deposit cannot be released without <br />notification by the Village; the bank will send a letter stating that the money <br />has been placed on deposit in favor of the Village. Mr. Bohjanen asked whether <br />water would stand on the streets when the integral curb is used and was told <br />no, since the grade would eliminate this. The plans have been checked by the <br />P&Z. There was discussion of widening the end of the street or making a cul- <br />de -sac for a turn around. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the Council approve the preliminary plat for LaMotte's <br />first Addition with the following stipulations: <br />1) that a 20' strip of land be taken out of the park land (proposed) <br />on the street side immediately adjacent to the road for approx. 200' to be used <br />for turn - around; the cost of this is not toexceed that of a cul -de -sac. <br />2) that Mr. Gotwald determine the extra cost of this additional strip <br />of roadway; that he then make a new estimate for the total cost of the road <br />work after Mr. LaMotte has put in the base, that the estimate be made in two <br />separate jail /$ 4.yd ,i, / MIXOfi/ 04/, a,%4i parts, one for the blacktopping <br />and another for the curbing, so that two separate bond deposits could be made, <br />one then to be released earlier as soon as the work is completed on that part. <br />3) that the bank send a letter stating that cash in the amounts of the <br />bonds has been placed on deposit with them. <br />4) that the final plat contain grades and specifications under our <br />ordinance. <br />5) That Mr. LaMotte pay the additional Engineering fees for the new estimates. <br />6), that Mr. LaMotte give us notice ahead so that the hearing of the <br />final plat can be set. <br />7) that Mr. LaMotte comply with the completion date of July 1, 1970 for <br />the roads. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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