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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION December 1, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />180 December. Chief Swenson indicated that the Anoka County Fire Mutual Aid Agreement <br />181 is related to the action on the JPA so it will be pulled from the agenda tonight as well. <br />182 The mayor announced that he wouldn't be able to attend the upcoming Centennial Fire <br />183 Steering Committee meeting and he understands Council Member Roeser won't be there <br />184 either. He'd like to be kept up to date on grant discussions. <br />185 <br />186 Review Regular Council Agenda of December 8, 2014 — The Council reviewed the <br />187 agenda. <br />188 <br />189 The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. <br />190 <br />191 These minutes were considered, corrected and approved at the regular Council meeting held on <br />192 December 15, 2014. <br />193 <br />194 <br />195 <br />196 <br />197 Julianne Bartell, City Clerk Jeff Reinert, Mayor <br />198 <br />5 <br />