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01/17/1996 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
01/17/1996 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 17, 1996 <br />When the Fire District was first formed, Lino Lakes paid approximately 59% of the <br />annual budget. Currently the City pays 65% of the annual budget. Chief Bennett has been <br />monitoring the cost per person and the cost per home over the past several years. These <br />figures have remained fairly consistent. <br />Chief Bennett noted that all four (4) cities in the Fire District would have to ratify the <br />proposed changes. <br />Chief Bennett will prepare a resolution incorporating the two (2) proposed changes and <br />bring it to the Council on January 22nd. <br />IMPROVEMENTS TO HOLLY DRIVE AND 12TH AVENUE, DAVID AHRENS <br />Mr. Heth and Mr. Mitchel of OSM were present to discuss the reconstruction of 12th <br />Avenue and Holly Drive. A feasibility report had been prepared in 1994 which indicated <br />that the total reconstruction would cost approximately $1,952,000der portions of <br />the two (2) streets are poor requiring additional material and w <br />suggested that the cost of this improvement project could b� , its` buity study <br />$250,000 from the developer of Trapper's Crossing. Fut funds aand <br />in th <br />$430,000 could be realized with this project. 's ' te amount of <br />The actual appearance of the roadway was dis r. Heth indicating that some <br />areas would be rural sections and som urban sections with curbs and <br />gutters. RCWD has requested that e t e curbing as possible to facilitate the <br />flow of water off of the street a. th construction of culverts. Design and <br />drainage are the importan the econstruction of these streets. It was also <br />noted that the Ash Stre Drive was out of the MUSA boundary. Therefore <br />the City could not nd : : hies to that area. This means that it would be financially <br />irresponsible to co and gutters at this time since they would be removed <br />when utilities are e y constructed. <br />Council questioned the $250,000 assessment to the Trapper's Crossing development <br />noting the subdivision will constitute about 60% of the increased traffic on the two (2) <br />streets. Staff explained that this amount was determined using State Statutes, Chapter <br />429. Mr. Hawkins explained that legally, the City must be able to justify the amount of <br />the assessment. <br />Ms. Caroline Dahl, 1101 Holly Court asked if staff was recommending that the area <br />between Holly Court and Ash Street not be reconstructed. Staff explained that the <br />recommendation is that a total reconstruction not be done at this time. However, staff is <br />recommending that this area be upgraded to include widening the street and constructing <br />turn lanes. <br />PAGE 2 <br />t <br />
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