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05/22/1996 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/22/1996 Council Minutes
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1/27/2015 12:03:32 PM
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1/26/2015 2:50:40 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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• <br />COUNCIL WORK SESSION MAY 22, 1996 <br />Council continued to discuss this matter noting that the City currently does not have the <br />funds to reconstruct Holly Drive according to Mr. Ahrens second road improvement <br />proposal. Mr. Hawkins also noted that the City cannot stop development on Trapper's <br />Crossing second and third addition simply because the developer will not agree to <br />additional funding of the reconstruction of Holly Drive. <br />Council discussed the damage to the roadway caused by heavy trucks and equipment used <br />in developing Trapper's Crossing. Staff was directed to determine if there is anything the <br />City can do to make the developer pay for damage to Holly Drive. This information is to <br />be available at the regular Council meeting on Tuesday. <br />Council continued to discuss the amount of money the developer should pay for the <br />reconstruction of Holly Drive. Mr. Hawkins read the minutes of August 8, 1994 regarding <br />the acceptance of the development agreement and its contents. He noted that the minutes <br />are general and are not of much help. <br />Staff was directed to let the Council know if the developer signs the new developers <br />agreement. <br />UTILITY RATES, SENIOR HOUSING, RANDY SCHUMACHER <br />Mr. Schumacher has received a letter from the owners of the Senior Cottages saying that <br />they did not expect the sewer and water user rates to be so expensive in Lino Lakes and <br />asking for additional subsidies to keep the rentals at the current rates. The Finance <br />Director has surveyed four (4) other communities to determine if they provide lower user <br />rates for their senior residences. They do not. <br />The consensus of the Council was that no other subsidies will be offered to the Senior <br />Cottages. <br />TOWN CENTER, BRIAN WESSEL <br />The land exchange with Metropolitan Council Open Space has been completed. This <br />process was started four (4) years ago and has caused Metropolitan Council to change <br />their open space policies. <br />Staff is exploring the idea of incorporating the land acquired from Metropolitan Council <br />into the development plan for the Town Center. Mr. Wessel outlined a development plan <br />noting that 75 acres would be needed for the development. This would include the entire <br />southeast quadrant. The development would have an "old time" town atmosphere. The <br />development would be unique and has already attracted the interest of state, county and <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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