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SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 16,1997 <br />Mr. Nelson noted the need for drainage in the area and explained that the environment on <br />the site would be corrected and enhanced. He showed how street patterns and drainage <br />could be developed while protecting the natural environment. <br />Phase I of the development will be the professional center. The Fairview Clinic has <br />indicated that they would locate here. They like the community partnership potential and <br />feel the area works well with their identity. Staff is negotiating with a bank to be <br />constructed in the professional center and a professional office building is also under <br />discussion. There is also interest in replacing the Police Department building and locating <br />it in the area that will be acquired through the land swap. The process of platting for the <br />professional building, health clinic and the police station has begun. Since this area is not <br />in MUSA, a plan to provide MUSA must be established. <br />The civic portion of the Village is proposed to be located on the property that will be <br />acquired from the Metropolitan Council through the land swap. Facil. ould be <br />located on this property include a new city hall, police station an. c � center. <br />Financing of municipal facilities is under consideration. <br />The Council has expressed concern about the lack o he City, bringing <br />jobs to the community and providing a more bal c ce • e. sing will be a critical <br />component of the entire Village project. Vare proposed throughout <br />the project. There will be row houses, town - housing above commercial <br />businesses. Approximately 220 ho ed. It is expected that some <br />housing will be rental and the bal - oc ied. Commercial development should <br />generate approximate one- i • • o :fin new taxes and the housing development <br />should generate anoth- o ollars per year. <br />Mr. Wessel expla • '`` s '11 be asking the Council for concept approval only. <br />Mr. Grebn /20 Vision project and a recent citizen survey both indicated that <br />the citizens a cognizable place to congregate such as a down town with amenities. <br />He also note ,, at this area is going to develop and this project provides an opportunity <br />for the City to determine how it will develop and to make sure that certain standards are <br />applied throughout the project. <br />Staff explained that costs have not yet been determined. It is expected that private <br />development will be funded by the developer. The public facilities will be a taxpayer <br />cost, however, the private development will add to the tax base and help the tax payer. <br />Council Member Lyden said that he was not against the project however, he did not want <br />something that is here today and gone tomorrow. He suggested that staff look at a <br />creative partnership such as with the schools. <br />Council Member Kuether felt living units with one car garages could be a problem. She <br />also felt that rental and commercial development too close to the prison could be "scary". <br />PAGE 2 <br />