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CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1997 <br />Mr. Smith explained the difference in tax gain by commercial property versus residential <br />property. <br />Mr. Smith said that he will provide a list of landowners who have questioned the value of <br />their property as well how the matter was handle. <br />Council Member Lyden asked how the 1997 concerned tax payers compare to the 1996 <br />tax payers. Mr. Smith explained that there were fewer calls in 1997. However, it is very <br />close to average. <br />Don Patterson, 7101 Ivy Ridge Lane - Mr. Patterson said that he has been comparing <br />his property value with his neighbors and finds that his value is greater than anyone else. <br />Mr. Smith explained that the value is based upon how much of the dwelling is completed <br />on January 2nd. He noted that some of the town homes were not finished on January <br />2nd. therefore, they will have a lesser value. The taxes are based upon how much was <br />completed on January 2nd. <br />Francis Ramsden, 865 Main Street - Mr. Smith explained that Ms. Ramsden owns a <br />five (5) acre lot on the northeast quadrant of Lake Drive and Main Street. The lot is zoned <br />commercial. Ms. Ramsden's property taxes have increased dramatically in the past two <br />(2) or three (3) years. Mr. Smith said that this is due to the zoning of the property. He <br />explained that the taxes would be considerably lower if the lot was zoned residential. Mr. <br />Smith said that there is not much that he can do about the value of the property. He has <br />allowed Ms. Ramsden to claim a homestead credit, however, this still does not reduce the <br />taxes very much. <br />Mr. Smith noted that he has advised Ms. Ramsden to file for a refund from the State and <br />for another refund that is not used by many property owners. <br />Council Member Lyden noted that a few years ago, cities would freeze property taxes for <br />senior citizens. Mr. Smith said that there is currently a bill in the state legislature to <br />restore that provision, however it may not be enacted. Council Member Kuether said she <br />felt Ms. Ramsden's situation is a "terrible shame". Mr. Smith said that the bill has been <br />proposed for several years but does not get the attention it deserves. <br />Council Member Lyden asked Mr. Smith how this situation happens. Mr. Smith <br />explained that when a city creates a particular zoning for a particular property, the <br />assessor/appraiser looks at the property to determined what is the highest and best use of <br />the property. He said that this is his job and he can do nothing about reducing the value <br />because of the zoning. Mr. Smith said at this time the only way that the City Council can <br />help Ms. Ramsden, is to change her zoning from commercial zoning to residential <br />zoning. Council Member Kuether asked if the City Council could take Ms. Ramsden <br />property out of the commercial zoning or suspend that zoning. Council Member Lyden <br />felt that Ms. Ramsden should be taxed for the current use of the property not as zoned. <br />Mayor Landers said that there arc other people living along Lake Drive in the same <br />PAG[ 2 <br />