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Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the City Approved <br />Resolution No. 15-26, Approving Off -Sale Liquor and <br />Tobacco License for JP's Liquor, Wine and Beer Approved <br />FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />2A) Consider Transfer of $6,000 from Contingency Fund- Administrator Karlson <br />explained that the Lino Lakes Ambassador Program is interested in refurbishing the city float. <br />The group has presented a plan for improvements that would cost in the area of $6,000. The <br />council heard about the plans at the recent work session and asked staff to explore funding. The <br />Finance Director recommends that if funding is provided for the project, it should be taken from <br />the contingency account in an amount up to $6,000. <br />Mayor Reinert explained that the city has a history of having a float and he recalls when it was <br />put together ten or so years ago. The Ambassador Program, that provides great representation of <br />the city, would like to update the float. They a have a plan, and have volunteers ready to do the <br />work. He feels this is a good deal for the city. <br />Ray Culp, representing the Lino Lakes Ambassadors Program, addressed the council. They are <br />proposing to improve the float that serves the ambassadors as they travel to community centered <br />events and represent the city. The Ambassador Program itself provides great opportunity for <br />growth for those participating. He appreciates any help that the city can provide. <br />Council Member Roeser said that the council values the image of the city and he sees the <br />Ambassador Program as part of that image. <br />Mr. Karlson added that staff is working with Mr. Culp on signage options for the float. The <br />mayor remarked that it makes sense to think about yearly expenses for the float operation, to <br />keep it up once improvements are done. <br />Council Member Roeser moved to approve the transfer of $6,000 as presented. Council Member <br />Kusterman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote; Council Member Stoesz <br />absent. <br />ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />There was no report from the Public Safety Department. <br />PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />4A) Consider Hiring of Paid On -Call Firefighter Paul Peltier - Public Safety Director <br />Swenson reported that he is requesting council authorization for this hiring. Paul Peltier would <br />bring thirty years of experience to the department. Mr. Peltier worked with the White Bear Lake <br />Department and recently retired. He is interested in bringing his experience to the Lino Lakes <br />Department is intrigued with the new model. Chief Swenson explained that he has worked with <br />Mr. Peltier previously and feels he will be a great asset to the department. He would be station <br />chief for the new facility. <br />