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• <br />• <br />• <br />ORDINANCE NO. 03 - 90 <br />construction of a project by or on behalf <br />of a developer, the developer must submit <br />a letter of credit in the amount of 150% <br />of the estimated construction cost or <br />enter into a development contract. <br />Subd. 3 Engineering Overview. The City shall be <br />its engineering staff or the City <br />Engineer furnish a full time project <br />representative who shall be present <br />during all work on street construction or <br />improvement of streets. The developer of <br />all new streets shall reimburse the City <br />for all costs incurred for the overview <br />of such project. <br />Subd. 4 Preconstruction Conference. A <br />preconstruction conference shall be held <br />at which all parties having interest in <br />the project may discuss potential project <br />impacts and procedures. Information <br />which must be provided includes a <br />construction schedule; proof of required <br />insurance; required permits; traffic <br />control schedule; name, address and phone <br />number of the contractor; name of the <br />testing laboratory to be used on the <br />project; the project engineer's name, <br />address and phone number; the name of the <br />materials suppliers; and evidence that <br />the proposed base material and bituminous <br />material has been tested and conforms <br />with the requirements and specifications. <br />Subd. 5 Notification. At least three working <br />days prior to construction, the Public <br />Works Director or City Engineer shall be <br />notified in writing that construction <br />operations will begin. <br />Subd. 6 Grade Stakes. Grade stakes shall be <br />required before any street construction <br />begins. Blue tops must be provided for <br />the subbase and gravel base operations. <br />The project engineer is to provide a copy <br />of the staking notes to the City of Lino <br />Lakes so spot checks can be made of the <br />grades to determine if they conform with <br />plan elevation. <br />302.05 Construction Methods <br />PAGE 8 <br />The following construction methods are <br />general and will apply to each and every <br />