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COUNCIL MINUTES April 27, 2015 <br />APPROVED <br />46 <br />47 April 6, 2015 Council Work Session Minutes Approved <br />48 Council Member Kusterman absent <br />49 <br />50 April 13, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes Approved <br />51 <br />52 Expansion of Premise, Outdoor Patio located at <br />53 8001 Lake Drive, Paleo's Approved <br />54 <br />55 Resolution No. 15-43, Special Event Permit and <br />56 Parade Permit for Ethan's Reason Run and One -Mile <br />57 Walk Approved <br />58 <br />59 Approval of Advisory Board Appointments <br />60 (Planning & Zoning and Environmental Board) Approved <br />61 <br />62 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />63 <br />64 2A) Resolution No. 15-44, Awarding the Sale of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015A- <br />65 Finance Director Rolek reviewed his written staff report indicating that the city has previously <br />66 authorized the sale of bonds to finance street reconstruction and other street improvement projects in <br />67 2015. Bids on the sale of these bonds were opened this day and he introduced the city's financial <br />68 consultant, Terri Heaton, to review the results of the sale. <br />69 <br />70 Ms. Heaton reviewed the bid tabulations provided to the council and explained that all elements of <br />71 the sale came together nicely. After bids for construction came in favorable, the budget for the <br />72 project was reduced significantly thus allowing a significatn reduction in the bond amount. There <br />73 were eight bids received which is a strong showing and she believes that is inspired by the city's <br />74 favorable bond rating of AA. The low interest rate bid came in at 2.08, lower than anticipated in <br />75 projections. She also reviewed the rating agency report on the city's bond rating. <br />76 <br />77 Mayor Reinert noted that the City is two levels from the top bond rating, having moved up in the past <br />78 ten years. He is glad to see so much bidding on the city's bonds because it brings the best rate. He <br />79 thanked staff and Springsted for the good work in bringing this forward. Council Member Roeser <br />80 added his thanks to staff, including all those who work to keep the city strong through good <br />81 management. He recognizes that the favorable bond rating saves taxpayers' money. Council <br />82 Member Kusteiman noted recent discussion about the city's reserves and asked if that has any impact <br />83 on the bond rating? Ms. Heaton explained that the rating agencies do look at cash on hand and also <br />84 debt levels; apparently they feel that the city has struck a good balance since they offered a strong <br />85 rating. <br />86 <br />87 Council Member Kusterman moved to approve Resolution No. 15-44 as presented at the City Council <br />88 meeting. Council Member Roeser seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. <br />89 <br />90 <br />2 <br />