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Title 001 Oct 2023
City Council
City Code
Title 001 Oct 2023
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2/18/2025 8:28:07 PM
Creation date
10/16/2023 9:56:30 AM
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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 19/48 <br />Floor area ratio means the numerical value obtained through dividing the gross floor area of a building <br />or buildings by the net area of the lot or parcel of land on which the building or buildings are located. <br />Floor plan, general, means a graphic representation of the anticipated use of the floor area within a <br />building or structure. <br />Floriculture means the cultivation and management of ornamental and flowering plants. <br />Footcandle means an illuminance equal to one lumen per square foot. <br />Forest land conversion means the clear cutting of forested lands to prepare for a new land use other <br />than re-establishment of a subsequent forest stand. <br />Forested area means any unit of land which has a density of trees greater than ten trees per acre. <br />Frontage means the boundary of a lot which abuts a public street. <br />Full cutoff luminaire means luminaire that allows no direct light emissions higher than 15 degrees below <br />a horizontal plane through the luminaire's lowest light-emitting part. <br />Garage, private, means a detached one-story accessory building or portion of the principal building, <br />including a carport, which is used primarily for the storage of passenger vehicles, trailers, or farm <br />trucks. <br />Garage, repair, means a building or space for the repair or maintenance of motor vehicles, but not <br />including factory assembly of the vehicles, auto wrecking establishments, or junk yards. <br />Garage, storage, means any premises, except those described as a private or repair garage, used <br />exclusively for the storage of power-driven vehicles. <br />Garbage means solid waste resulting from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking, and <br />dispensing of food and from the handling, storage, or sale of meat, fish, fowl, fruit, or vegetable and <br />condemned food. <br />Glare means direct light emitted from a luminaire that causes reduced vision or momentary blindness. <br />Golf Cart A self-propelled three or four-wheeled vehicle designated for and commonly used for <br />transportation on a golf course that is limited in engine displacement of less than 800 cubic centimeters <br />and total dry weight of less than 800 pounds. Vehicles that are required to be registered with Minnesota <br />Department of Natural Resources do not fall within the definition of golf cart for purposes of this code. <br />Government user (sewer systems) means users which are units, agencies, or instrumentalities of <br />federal, state, or local government discharging normal domestic strength wastewater. <br />Gray water means liquid waste from a dwelling or other establishment produced by bathing, laundry, <br />culinary operations, and from floor drains, and specifically excluding toilet waste. <br />Greenhouses means a building used for the growing of plants, all or part of which are sold at retail or <br />wholesale. <br />Gross acres means the total area of a parcel of land including wetlands, hydric soils, steep slopes, <br />streets, and dedicated easements. <br />Hauler means a person engaged in the business of refuse collection.
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