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Title 001 Oct 2023
City Council
City Code
Title 001 Oct 2023
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2/18/2025 8:28:07 PM
Creation date
10/16/2023 9:56:30 AM
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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 20/48 <br />Hazardous materials means any material, including any substance, waste, or combination thereof, <br />which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may <br />cause, or significantly contribute to, a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety, <br />property, or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise <br />managed. <br />Height of building means the vertical distance between the lowest grade level at the building line and <br />the uppermost point on the roof. <br />Historic structure means a structure that is at least 50 years old, in its original state. Such structure <br />shall add to the visual integrity of the landscape. <br />Historical site means any archaeological site, standing structure, or other property that meets the <br />criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places or is listed in the state register of <br />historical sites. An historic site meets these criteria if it is presently listed on either register or if it is <br />determined to meet the qualifications for listing after review by the state archaeologist or the director of <br />the state historic society. All unplatted cemeteries are automatically considered to be significant historic <br />sites. <br />Holding tank means a watertight sewage tank for the temporary storage of sewage until it is transported <br />to an approved point for treatment and disposal. This definition shall not apply to LEC 5.08.010 through <br />LEC 5.08.050. <br />Home occupation means any gainful occupation or profession engaged in by the occupant(s), and up to <br />one non-occupant employee of a dwelling when carried on within a dwelling unit or in an accessory <br />building, provided that no signs other than those allowed by the city;s sign regulations regarding home <br />occupations are present. <br />Horticulture means the cultivation and management of trees, plants, grasses, vegetables, and fruits. <br />Hotel means a building having provision for nine or more guests in which lodging is provided with or <br />without meals for compensation, and which is open to transient or permanent guests, or both, and <br />where no provision is made for cooking in any guest room, and which ingress and egress to and from <br />all rooms is made through an inside lobby or office supervised by a person in charge. <br />Illicit connections means: <br />(a)Either of the following: <br />(1)Any drain or conveyance, whether on the surface or subsurface, that allows an illegal <br />discharge to enter the storm drain system, including, but not limited to, any conveyances <br />that allow any non-stormwater discharge including sewage, process wastewater, and <br />wash water to enter the storm drain system and any connections to the storm drain <br />system from indoor drains and sinks, regardless of whether said drain or connection had <br />been previously allowed, permitted, or approved by an authorized enforcement agency; <br />or <br />(2)Any drain or conveyance connected from a commercial or industrial land use to the <br />storm drain system that has not been documented in plans, maps, or equivalent records <br />and approved by an authorized enforcement agency. <br />(b)This definition shall not apply to LEC 5.08.010 through LEC 5.08.050. <br />Illicit discharge means any direct or indirect non-stormwater discharge to the storm drain system.
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