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<br />https://lakeelmo.municipalcodeonline.com/book/print?type=ordinances&name=TITLE_1_GENERAL_PROVISIONS 21/48
<br />Illuminance means the level of light measured at a surface.
<br />Impervious surface means any structure or surface which interferes to any degree with the direct
<br />absorption of water into the ground. Decks, pervious landscaping fabric, the surface water of pools and
<br />retaining walls shall not be included as impervious surface.
<br />Individual sewage disposal system means a septic tank, seepage tile sewage disposal system, or other
<br />sewage treatment device. This definition shall not apply to LEC 5.08.010 through LEC 5.08.050.
<br />Individual sewage treatment system means an on-site sewage treatment system connecting to a single
<br />dwelling or other establishment, consisting of soil treatment unit, septic tank, and any associated
<br />pumping and piping systems. This definition shall not apply to LEC 5.08.010 through LEC 5.08.050.
<br />Industrial use means the use of land or buildings for the production, manufacture, warehousing,
<br />storage, or transfer of goods, products, commodities, or other wholesale items.
<br />Industrial users or industries (sewer systems) means:
<br />(a)Entities that discharge into a publicly-owned wastewater treatment works, liquid waste resulting
<br />from the process employed in industrial or manufacturing processes, or from the development of
<br />any natural resources; these are identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual,
<br />1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented under one of the
<br />following divisions:
<br />(1)Division A. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing;
<br />(2)Division B. Mining;
<br />(3)Division D. Manufacturing;
<br />(4)Division E. Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Sewers; or
<br />(5)Division I. Services.
<br />(b)Any non-governmental user of a publicly-owned treatment works which discharges wastewater
<br />to the treatment works which contains toxic pollutants or poisonous solids, liquids, or gases in
<br />sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to contaminate the sludge of
<br />any municipal systems, or to injure or to interfere with any sewage treatment process, or which
<br />constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, creates a public nuisance, or creates any hazard in
<br />or has an adverse effect on the waters receiving any discharge from the treatment works.
<br />Industrial waste means the solid, liquid, or gaseous waste resulting from industrial or manufacturing
<br />processes, trade, or business, or from the development, recovery, or processing of natural resources.
<br />Industrial wastewater (sewer systems) means the liquid, solid, or gaseous processing wastes from an
<br />industrial manufacturing process, trade, or business, including, but not limited to, all Standard Industrial
<br />Classification Manual divisions A, B, D, E, or I, as distinct from domestic wastewater.
<br />Industry, municipal sewer system, means any non-governmental or nonresidential user of a publicly-
<br />owned treatment works which is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, latest
<br />edition, categorized in divisions A, B, D, E, and I.
<br />Institutional housing means housing for students, mentally ill, infirm, elderly, nurses, physically
<br />retarded, and similar housing of a specialized nature.
<br />Institutional user (sewer systems) means users other than commercial, governmental, industrial, or
<br />residential users, discharging primarily normal domestic strength wastewater (e.g., non-profit