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01-15-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-15-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 15, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br />Resident Dave Moore of 8680 Stillwater Blvd said the grading is the real issue. Landscaping is minor compared to the grading. These details should be monitored throughout the building process by the City. A discussion was had regarding the efforts the City has made to improve the oversight process in regards to building. The related code updates are a result of this increased effort. The improvements should become more evident as the city progresses. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 08-066 AS AMENDED, BY <br />SUBSTITUTING “NEW” FOR “EXISTING”, AND THEREBY IMPROVING THE CITY CODE AND THE <br />CITY’S ABILITY TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM STANDARD OF PROPERTY MAINTENANCE IN LAKE <br />ELMO. Council Member Park seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> ITEM 19: CONTRACTOR LICENSING CODE AMENDMENT; ORDINANCE 08-XXX Staff requested that the ordinance change request be postponed to further work on definitions per Council request. Council Member Bloyer expressed his desire to have the related plumbing language to be reexamined as well. MOTION: Council Member Pearson MOVED TO POSTPONE CONTRACTOR LICENSING ORDINANCE <br />08-XXX. Council Member Park seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />RECESS 8:38 PM <br />RECONVENED AT 8:42 PM <br /> ITEM 20: ROCK POINT CHURCH PLAT EXTENSION Planning Director Klatt gave background of Hidden Meadows 2nd Addition plat and extension process. There have been multiple extensions to date. It is alleged that housing market conditions have impacted the development of the property. Staff recommends a six month extension to church for dedication of utility easement and then come back and apply for a longer extension if a developer has not been found by then. Council Member Park asked for clarification on churches plans. Pastor Bob Bridges, Executive Pastor for Church, introduced himself. He explained that the church is looking for a developer to come in. He stated the Church would be quite willing to grant easement to city. Ms. Park asked about the sales listing. Pastor Bridges said it is listed, and the church is interested in selling but has not received any reasonable offers. Council Member Bloyer asked about the property tax status. It was confirmed that property taxes are being paid on the development portion as undeveloped property. Smith noted that she supported this project, but now looks at other developments and questions the progress or lack thereof. She believes that there are developers who would be willing to build but is concerned about the commitment of the church. City services were brought there, and nothing has progressed. Ms. Smith wants to see more progress and effort by church.
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