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MINU'J'ES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL METING APRIL 1891972 pg.2 <br />Motion by C.Friedrich 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the Special Use Permit <br />for Mrs. Louise 13ahnemen.for a. gift shop of Highway 12 33 be <br />approved subject to the conditions spelled out by the PZC in their mtg <br />of April 11, 1972, Carried 3-0. <br />Motion by O.Abererombie 2nd by 0. Friedrich that Special Use Permits be <br />issued to Richard Lambert for the 58 additional runs added on to the present <br />facility and for the building of caretakers quarters subject to the re— <br />quirements speeled out by the PZC in their minutes of the meeting held on <br />April 11, 1972. Motion carried 3-0.. Action on the pet cemetery was held up <br />for more detail on the escrow fund and how it would be ahndled. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by 0. Friedrich that the clerk be authorized to <br />pay thO bills. Carried 3-0- <br />Motion by C.. Friedrich 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the Council Order pre. <br />pared against James Mottaz for illegally moving building on his property <br />be turned over to Dick Neville for serving. Carried 3-0- <br />C.Abercrombie presented Resolution R72 10 regarding the unsafe building <br />on Village owned pr.opery and asked for its destruction. Resolution passed <br />3—O. <br />Council reminded that the next meeting of the coundil on May 21 1972 would <br />start at 7100PM and an inspection of Pebble Park & Govt. Lot 7 will be con. <br />ducted. <br />Discussion with Mr. Coppersmith regarding the extdnsion of watermain on <br />30 Street N. to the East of the last hydrant. Council ordered a hearing <br />on the matter with all notification ordered so: the hearing could be held <br />at 8s00PM on. May 29 1972 in the Vill-age Hall. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Friedrich that the meeting be adjourned <br />at 1'1:05PM..Motion carried 4-Oo <br />Respectfully submitted. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />V611age Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnespta <br />