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9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution: Bergmann Minor Subdivision — Not Adopted <br />Assistant Planner Matzek reported that the Planning Commission had previously <br />recommended approval of 2 variances and a Minor Subdivision to detach 1.3 acres <br />containing an accessory structure from a 30 acre parcel, and consolidate the detached <br />parcel to an existing 5 acre parcel. <br />Attorney Filla reported that a variance is needed to create a 6.3 acre parcel in the RR <br />zoning district. He noted that a denial action could be is based on the fact that legally the <br />ownership of an adjacent 30 acres is the same as the subject parcel. Therefore a 10 acre <br />parcel, as required by RR zoning, could be created without a lot area variance. <br />M/S/F Smith/DeLapp — to deny a Minor Subdivision at 11459 60th Street North for <br />Richard and Eileen Bergmann, and Chad and Colleen Bergmann. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />B. Resolution No. 2006-129: Final Plat for Farms of Lake Elmo 2"d Addition <br />Assistant Planner Matzek updated the Council on the approved 2005 PUD Preliminary <br />and Final Plans/Plat of Farms of Lake Elmo, which included three outlots designed as <br />building lots that could be re -platted as legal lots in the future. In July of 2006 the <br />Comprehensive Plan to increase OP density to 18 units per 40 acres was approved by the <br />City and Metropolitan Council, which now allows the three outlots eligible for final <br />platting into building lots. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Johnson — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-129, approving the Final Plat of <br />the Farms of Lake Elmo 2"d Addition. (Motion passed 4-1: DeLapp) <br />Council Members discussed the concerns regarding the number of trees, and agreed that <br />standards need to be put in place before the City approves more developments. <br />C. Resolution No. 2006-130: Final Plat for St Croix's Sanetuary 2"d Addition <br />Assistant Planner Matzek updated the Council on the approved 2005 PUD Preliminary <br />and Final Plans/Plat of St. Croix's Sanctuary 2"d Addition, which included seven outlots <br />designed as building lots that could be re -platted as legal lots in the future. In July of <br />2006 the Comprehensive Plan to increase OP density to 18 units per 40 acres was <br />approved by the City and Metropolitan Council, which now allows the seven outlots <br />eligible for final platting into building lots. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-130, approving the Final Plat of <br />St. Croix's Sanctuary 2"d Addition. (Motion passed 4-1: DeLapp) <br />City Attorney Filla suggested that future Development Agreements include a provision so <br />future lots may be utilized in single-family lots with extra trees. <br />10 <br />