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City Services <br />Fire protection is provided by a paid on -call fire department with 27 firefighters operating from two <br />stations. Lake Elmo maintains a water distribution system consisting of two wells. A portion of the <br />city's water is purchased from the City of Oakdale. Ongoing monitoring of water quality assures that <br />Lake Elmo residents have dean and safe water. Well mapping assures proper placement of future <br />wells. A small commercial area of Lake Elmo is provided with sewer service by the Metropolitan <br />Council. Lift stations are maintained by the city. Street and park maintenance is provided through <br />the city. Refuse hauling and septic pumping is privately contracted. The city contracts with <br />Washington County fox law enforcement and animal control services. <br />There are 13 full-time employees at the city. The general fund operating budget is $4 million. <br />The Position <br />The City Administrator serves as chief executive and chief operating officer of the city. The City <br />Administrator manages and directs all daily operational activities of the city and ensures that all <br />ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City and City Council are faithfully and equitably enfc <br />Specific duties include: <br />• Prepare and submit a proposed budget to the City Council for their approvaL Review and <br />execute financial activities including payroll and monitoring budgetary expenditures. <br />• Participate in Council meetings and numerous other committee or board meetings and public <br />hearings. Review and prepare written reports and recommendations for the City Council and <br />City boards and committees. <br />• Meet and confer with citizen groups. <br />• Review and update city policies, procedures, and codes and recommend improvements and <br />adjustments to the City Council. <br />• Serve as liaison to other local, state and federal agencies and organizations. <br />• Conduct human resources functions including job performance evaluations. <br />• Work cooperatively and negotiate with federal, state, county and other city governments and <br />organizations to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of Lake Elmo citizens are met. <br />• Provide strategic direction in the implementation of the City Council approved Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />Background and Experience <br />Candidates for the City Administrator position will possess a Bachelor's Degree (Master's preferred) <br />and two to three years experience in an administrative capacity in a local government environment <br />Preferred background includes: <br />• Significant finance and budgeting experience. Understanding of debt structure. <br />• Human Resources background to include performance evaluations, staff structuring, <br />................... <br />0 Experience in downtown development and redevelopment <br />