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Council directed the City Engineer to meet with the Krueger's to clarify what the City <br />will be completing this year. <br />C. Ordinance No. 97-179: Relating to Towingof f Illegally Parked Vehicles & Trailers <br />The City Engineer and City Attorney recommend adoption of Sections 100.06, Subd. 1 <br />and Subd. 2 and Section 1000.01, and Section 100.06, Subd. 5, Section 1005,01, Subd. 3 <br />and 1005.045 and its subdivision relating to the Towing of Illegally Parked Vehicles and <br />Trailers, including repealing Section 1005.03, Subd. 1. City Attorney Pilla stated it <br />updates the definitions, and references the State Highway Code regarding the parking of <br />trailers and vehicles. <br />Council requested clarification of where the trailers and cars would be parked, and the <br />fine amount. Suggestions were a $150.00 fine the first occurrence, then towing four <br />hours later and a fine the second occurrence, safety issues, or tow all of the vehicles. <br />City Engineer Prew informed them the trailers would be kept one .half mile out, and <br />towing would occur four hours later. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston — to adopt Ordinance No 91 179, amending Sections 100.06, <br />Subd. 1 and Subd. 2 and Section 1000.01, and See ion 100.06, Subd, 5, Section 1005,01, <br />Subd. 3 and 1005.045 and its subdivision relating to Towing of Illegally Parked Vehicles <br />& Trailers, and to include the attached in (Motion passed 5-0) <br />D. Resolution No. 2006-098: Annrove Plans And .$news for Ph,mhina Wnrle — <br />City Engineer Prew presented plans and specifkations to the Council for the two hundred <br />homes in Tablyn Park Tw(o contracts e being requested as the work can be completed <br />faster, and the bids competitive. The contraetsYnclude removal of the tank, installation of <br />the water meter, disconnecting the3well pipe, and adding the plumbing. All work will <br />meet the City's code'and inspected" the Building Inspectors. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 2006-098 (Contract A) and <br />Resolution No. 2006-99 (Contract B), approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering <br />Advertisement for Bids Tablyh Park (Contract A). (Motion passed 5-0) <br />E. CB & I status & Update on Water Tower Guarantee Document Aereement <br />addition <br />City Engineer Prew informed Council that CB & I is requesting authorization to paint the <br />water tower on weekends. This would involve sandblasting and painting, which is <br />temperature -oriented and weather controlled. <br />Change order pertaining to tower corrections being reviewed by City Engineer and City <br />Attorney and will be brought back to the October 3, 2006, Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnson —'to direct the City Administrator to issue a Special Permit, <br />reflecting City Code, to CB & I for weekend work for painting of the new water tower. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 <br />6 <br />