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B. Transportation Study - Manning Avenue/State Hwy 5 Intersection <br />As directed by the Council, staff prepared and distributed a Request for Proposals to provide more in-depth <br />study of the concept to realign the intersection of State Highway 5 and Manning Avenue. Planner Dillerud <br />indicated the Howard Green proposal reflects sound transportation planning technique. This proposal is not <br />state aid eligible. <br />Howard Preston, Howard Green representative and Lake Elmo resident, was in attendance to answer <br />questions. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to accept the Howard Green Company proposal in the amount of $31,000 and <br />direct staff to negotiate a contract reflecting that proposal. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />C. Office Condo Site & Building Plan Review:Dorothy Erban <br />Dorothy Erban presented a site plan for proposed commercial construction of a 7,920 sq.ft. Multi -tenant <br />office building on a site at the northeast corner of Laverne Avenue. At its June 26 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission recommended approval of the application. Although not required by code, the applicant met <br />with the Village Commission and made numerous changes to the structure design per the Commission's <br />suggestions. Ms. Erban presented a sample of standard size dark brick and gray roofing shingles. She <br />stated they tried to go with what the Village Commission had recommended, but would have liked the <br />perpendicular sign, but the code does not allow this because the signage would protrude. The site plan <br />proposed meets the code. <br />Administrator Kueffner asked that the plan be reviewed by the building official for his comments and then <br />the Council see the final plans. Elevations, materials shown should be signed and dated for council <br />approval. Admin will discuss setbacks with planner and attorney (site plan shows 15' off the right-of-way <br />where the code requires 10'). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to postpone consideration until the August l't Council meeting or when the <br />applicant asks to be placed on a Council agenda in order for the applicant, Dorothy Erban, to look over <br />drawings of the Calthorpe Study, the draft Old Village Architectural Design Guidelines, and the pictures of <br />the Opus village downtown in Maple Grove (pics shown) available at City Hall and reevaluate the <br />character of the proposed building from an exterior standpoint. This is not a motion to deny. (Motion <br />passed 4-1:Siedow —The site plan meets code and should be approved.) <br />D. Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Planner Dillerud provided portions of the Comprehensive Plan update upon which the Planning <br />Commission conducted Public Hearings and adopted recommendations. The Plan Elements presented to <br />the Council are: <br />1. Mission Statement <br />2. Inventory <br />3. Planning Policy <br />4. Land Use Plan <br />The remaining elements and the parties responsible for drafting/recommendations are as follows: <br />1. Transportation — TKDA and staff <br />2. Parks/Trails Open Space — Parks Commission and staff <br />3. Community Facilities — Maintenance Advisory Commission and staff <br />4. Public Utilities — TKDA and staff <br />5. Housing — staff <br />6. Surface Water Drainage — TKDA and staff <br />7. Plan Implementation <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 2000 O <br />