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At the July 18 meeting, the Council adopted Resolution 2000-028 approving a Tax <br />Abatement District to include the Eagle Point Business Park and High Point Health <br />Center, which covers only the City portion of the abatement. Staff recommended an <br />application to Washington County for abatement of the County's portion of taxes on this <br />area for the duration of the District as well. <br />Planner Dillerud indicated the County Tax Abatement application specified that Lake <br />Elmo will distribute the Tax Abatement funds (both local and County shares) as follows: <br />1. 50% Water System/50% Old Village Infrastructure until an amount equal to two full <br />years of Water System Bond payments are accrued. ($380,000 or about 4 years per <br />the present forecast) <br />2. 100% Old Village Infrastructure thereafter. ($370,000 over the first 4 years and <br />$2,000,000 over 6 years thereafter. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to authorize and direct the City Administrator to submit <br />application to Washington County for Tax Abatement consistent with the documentation <br />attached to the August 1, 2000 agenda packet. (Motion passed 3-2:Dunn:She is glad the <br />motion passed, but the philosophy of big government is scary. The share is out there to <br />get, but it is a big pool of money just being moved around. The City has to look at the <br />total good of what the community is all about. Armstrong: She is consistent with her <br />motion to deny from the July 18 meeting. She agrees with the need for the new well <br />project, but the City will chose projects for different purposes were flimsy from County <br />tax money. DeLapp:The City should make the best out of an inappropriate policy.) <br />C. Office Condo Site & Building Plan Review :Dorothy Erban <br />On July 18, 2000 the Council tabled consideration of this application to allow the <br />applicant the opportunity to review the Calthorpe Study, the draft architectural standards <br />for the Old Village and photos of the Maple Grove downtown development. It was the <br />intent of the Council for the applicant to familiarize herself with the type of architectural <br />design the City wants to see in the Old Village and to respond with a revised plan for the <br />proposed structure at State Highway 5 and Laverne Ave that is consistent with these <br />documents/graphics. <br />Steve Erban stated the Calthorpe study has some good concepts, but in reality are we <br />ready for a shopping center concept. Erban indicated the office building is for small <br />offices with outdoor green space. Even if the setbacks were different, he would not have <br />done a different design because of the limited site and did not want to change the small <br />office concept. The driveway is off of Laverne Avenue rather than Highway 5 because of <br />the highway is busy and cannot easily make turns. The applicant did not change their site <br />plan from the July 18`h meeting. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 1, 2000 5 <br />