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08-01-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-01-00 CCM
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11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Mayor Hunt and Planner Dillerud attended the Hwy 36 advisory meeting last week. <br />Council member Dunn announced the Washington County Fair starts this August 2nd. <br />Council member Armstrong reported the Livestock Ordinance has gone back to the <br />Planning Commission. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn — to move the UNFINISHED BUSINESS into an ongoing <br />project list attached to the Council agenda. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Council member DeLapp provided a copy of the Star & Tribune editorial on Liveable <br />Streets. <br />12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />E. Street names: Planning Commission Chairman Tom Armstrong thought a <br />committee should look into road standards, islands, and make recommendations <br />based on what we they saw on the tour of the City. The list of street issues from <br />Council member DeLapp and the Maintenance Crew will be attached to the <br />agenda. <br />Administrator Kueffner explained the city signed a contract and by ordinance adopted the <br />name and numbering system. The City would have to break the contract and amend <br />ordinance. Street issues will be place on agenda under Planning, Land Use & Zoning, and <br />charge back to the Planning Commission. <br />The Fire Department Study committee date should be set up now that vacations are over. <br />Q. Workshops for Comprehensive Plan <br />Staff will look at convenient times and check with the Council. <br />U. Set meeting date for Oak Park Heights Joint meeting. <br />The Council scheduled September 15, 5 p.m. for a joint meeting with Oak Park Heights. <br />The staff will set up agenda with Kris Danielson from OPH to work on building better <br />relations with surrounding communities. <br />Valley Branch Watershed: The post office site started construction without a permit. The <br />City should write another letter to the VBWD asking them to enforce their regulations. <br />John Hanson asked if there are City concerns on projects that they are interested in they <br />would like to be informed because the VBWD is working on its budget. <br />Staff will invite Hanson, Bucheck or Borash to discuss proposed plan. <br />Carriage Station Plat wants lower floor elevations for a dozen homes and made revisions <br />on grading plans according to the VBWD minutes. The Council asked why is this going <br />on and why is the City not in this loop? <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 1, 2000 7 <br />
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