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7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Quotes for gravel on 15th street: Dan Olinger <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - to postpone applying gravel to 15th Street until <br />the City Engineer/Maintenance Department has provided a total cost for the <br />application of the gravel, and/or the completion of the feasibility report for <br />paving this street. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />B. Fire Department: Monthly update, Flag at Station 2(Public Works) <br />and purchase of PASS devices <br />Fire Chief Mamlquist gave the Council a monthly update on Fire <br />Department activities. <br />Replacement of Personal Alert Safety System <br />The Personal Alert Safety System is 14 years old and at times has <br />malfunctioned. The new systems cost $179 each and with a quantity <br />purchase the cost is $135 each. The total cost for these 30 units is <br />approximately $4350, and there is money in major supplies to cover this <br />expenditure. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn — to approve the purchase of 30 "Super PASS" at a <br />cost of approximately $4,350.00 ($4,313.25 plus shipping. (Motion passed <br />4-0). <br />Flag at Station 2 <br />American Flagpole was the low bidder for a 35' flagpole. Liner Electric <br />would do the necessary electrical work in the amount of $1975. The cost of <br />this flagpole, installation, and electrical work would be split 50150 between <br />the Public Works and Fire Department. <br />The Council asked if lighting is necessary? Neighbors should be informed <br />that the sign and flagpole will be lit, shown a sketch, and get their <br />comments. DeLapp asked that the flag be taken down at night because he <br />would not like to see a bright light and doesn't support lighting in a <br />residential area. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2000 4 <br />