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9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Architectural Network, Inc. Site Plans <br />At its September 25th meeting, the Planning Commission considered a site <br />plan and variances to construct two 4,980 sq.ft. office buildings on a <br />proposed site of 1.5 acres north of 39th Street in the Brookman Addition. <br />The Commission denied a variance from the site ordinance and several <br />zoning ordinance variances. The Commission recommended denial of the <br />site plan application based on non-compliance with City Code standards <br />(Zoning and Sign Ordinances), following denial of the variances. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to deny the site plan application of Architectural <br />Network based on non-compliance with the Zoning and Sign Ordinance and <br />denial of variances by Planning Commission. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />B. Amendments to the Open Space Preservation Ordinance (OP) <br />Councilmember Dunn liked how the planner pulled together all respectives, <br />and how he compared this to RE. She had a problem with bonuses from the <br />beginning, and we should start thinking of our community as a whole. <br />Councilmember DeLapp's concern was with the Met Council and <br />developing standards for trails and village greens. <br />Council member Armstrong appreciated the change in bonuses because it's <br />been total candy for developers, and thought the planner was fair and <br />unbiased. She has been a proponent of 6 per 20 for a long time, need to get <br />tight standards for trails and village green. She liked the option of village <br />green in the center, and agreed with intent of buffers. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn — to inform the Planning Commission that the <br />Council supports these amendments to the Open Space Preservation <br />Ordinance and ask them to follow up and put in ordinance form. For <br />creation of a Public Hearing draft include clarification of discussion of <br />aspect ratio or absolute minimum width. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2000 6 <br />