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B. Highway 36 Technical Committee — Report to the Council <br />Doug Fisher, Washington County, and MnDOT representatives reviewed the <br />findings from their study. They are proposing to restrict access to TH36 in <br />order to improve travel times for through traffic on Highway 36, which will <br />mean travel patterns in the City would be changed to accommodate this plan. <br />Council member Dunn pointed out the 55-mph speed signs in front of the <br />Lake Elmo Elementary school are still up and suggested the Council have a <br />joint meeting with the City of Grant. Our Fire Dept. responds to Hwy 36 so <br />concerned on what is the easiest access. Natural environment issues need to <br />be looked at with any proposed projects. Mr. McBride said he was <br />interested in hearing from our study on Highways 15, 14 and 5. <br />Council member DeLapp asked the Committee to address bicycle access, <br />snowmobile use, noise increase and air pollution and provision for transit <br />and commuter rail. Recommendations will be reviewed and wrapped up in a <br />final meeting. <br />C. Approve Plans and Specs for Improvement of CSAH13 (from CSAH 6 <br />to south of Highway 5). <br />The Council has previously reviewed this request, but sent it back to the <br />County with a determination that the City did not wish to participate in this <br />program. It was decided to bring this back to the full Council for <br />reconsideration after Mayor Hunt, Council member Armstrong, Tom Prew <br />and Administrator Kueffner met with Washington County Public Works. <br />Doug Fisher presented plans for the improvement of CSAH13 south of TH5. <br />The Council asked if a 6-foot wide shoulder could be built instead of 8-foot <br />wide one. Fisher reported that the plans for the I-94/CSAH13 ramp signals <br />were almost completed and will forward them to the City for its review. <br />Also the plans for a signal at CSAH4 and 4`h Street were being prepared and <br />the County would like to build both of these signals this summer. Council <br />voiced concern over the cost sharing agreement. There is no cost <br />participation from the City other than the ongoing cost of signalization. <br />Individual community picks up electricity costs of $1400 per year. Lake <br />Elmo is getting tired of paying costs because of the result of other <br />communities growth. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 19, 2000 3 <br />