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The City of Oakdale requested and will pay for a detached bike trail project. <br />There will be curb and gutter on West Side of road. Council member Dunn <br />reminded the County that there are water runoff concerns on the Jim Palecek <br />property and problems from runoff from Anna's Grove and Hwy 5. <br />Question raised, How is VBWD going to address this before they issue more <br />permits? <br />Council member DeLapp supported the County's proposal for an 8' paved <br />shoulder only if required by state law and not participate in all costs for the <br />reason being the shoulder does not benefit the Lake Elmo residents by the <br />County, but benefit for County by Oakdale and Woodbury. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to direct the staff to contact 3M to see if they are <br />willing to forgo the assessment and pay for the project including the <br />donation of the required right-of-way. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution No. 2000-069 approving the <br />plans and specifications for Project No. S.A.P. 82-613-09, the construction, <br />reconstruction or improvement of CSAH13 from CSAH6 to Highway 5. <br />(Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp: Does not meet City standards, taking money <br />out of Lake Elmo and putting it in other's hands.) <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to amend motion to request a 6' shoulder, if <br />permissible, on the Lake Elmo side. (Motion passed 3-2:Armstrong, <br />Siedow.) <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 2000-070 approving the <br />plans and specifications for Project No. S.A.P. 82-613-10, the reconstruction <br />or improvement of the railroad crossing. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5. NEW BUSINESS: <br />6. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resignation of Karen Leach from Parks Commission <br />M/S/P Dtum/Siedow - to accept the resignation of Karen Leach from the <br />Parks Commission, and direct the city staff to send a letter of appreciation. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 19, 2000 4 <br />