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The Fire Department requested purchase approval, under the state contract, <br />for a Ford F-350 rescue vehicle. This vehicle replaces the suburban, which <br />will not be a frontline vehicle. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to accept recommendation to purchase Ford F-350 <br />rescue vehicle chassis 2001 specs from Lee Motor Co., Dawson, MN in the <br />amount of $37,357.20 and $8,752.75 for emergency lighting, markings, <br />radio install. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Update on Building Dept. Activities: Jim McNamara <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, provided a Building Report Summary for <br />November, 2000. The Machine Shed restaurant is targeting a mid -February <br />opening. <br />Council member DeLapp could not see the 10% internal landscaping islands, <br />but Planner Dillerud responded what is out there now matches the site plan <br />that was approved by the Council. Dillerud has revised building elevations <br />and will be coming to Council for site plan approval. DeLapp added that no <br />retail space was approved by the Council so if the Machine Shed is <br />proposing a change, they need to come back for Council approval. The <br />Council did not have the information before them so this issue will be <br />discussed at a January meeting. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />10.CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Council member Dunn just came back from Atlanta, which is the biggest <br />gridlock ever, and thanked Council member DeLapp and Tom Prew for <br />finding alternate traffic controlling solutions. <br />Council member Armstrong thanked the maintenance crew for keeping <br />streets plowed during the last snowstorm. <br />12.UNFINSIHED BUSINESS: <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 19, 2000 6 <br />