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4. Street runoff to be infiltrated with stormwater gardens and in existing low area along <br />the road. Storm sewer is not anticipated. <br />5. Trees to be planted with the media areas, and at other locations where they will aid in <br />traffic calming. <br />Prew asked for authorization to prepare a final plan for review with the Feasibility Report. <br />Changes could be made after that, however, he asked that everyone is clear on what will be <br />built once the decision is given. <br />Mayor Hunt read the letter, which is made part of the minutes, from Mary O'Brien, 11311 <br />50t' Street. <br />Rebecca Tenpas voiced her opposition to curb and gutters and requested the shape of the <br />intersection at Tana Ridge be changed. She was not in favor of the bike trail and wanted <br />some say of what plantings are in the center islands. <br />Gary VanCleve, President of Fields of St.Croix Assoc., supported the proposal and felt it <br />was a reasonable compromise. <br />Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger voiced his opposition to the center islands because of <br />drifting, limits visibility, and when the snow melts the road becomes slippery when melts <br />and freezes. The 301h Street center island has become a maintenance nightmare. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 2001-09, A Resolution ordering the <br />preparation of a feasibility report for the improvement of 50th Street from State Highway 5 <br />to County Road 17 identified as Option 4, as amended by the City Engineer's memo dated <br />February 15, 2001. (Motion passed 3-1:Armstrong: opposed to center islands, parkway <br />and trail, but in favor of a 9-ton road.) <br />Tom Prew reported it would be four weeks before the Council would receive the <br />Feasibility Report. The Council asked Dan Olinger to review report and submit his input <br />and address concerns on center islands. <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Site Plan — Frauenshuh Company for Park Dental <br />At its February 121h meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the site <br />plan application for demolition of an existing building and construction of a new brick <br />faced dental office building of just over 10,000 sq.ft. The site is zoned Business Park, <br />within the MUSA and served by both public water and sewer. The approval <br />recommendation was subject to conditions. The site is a lot of record that predates the <br />Business park zoning. When BP zoning was adopted a 3 acre minimum parcel size was <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 2001 <br />