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reference to the fact that we violated Roberts Rules of Order. The applicant <br />told him that the open space would be kept open for 15 years. Is the intent <br />to have everything screened a requirement or not? If interpretation by <br />Council is different, this will be added as an agenda item. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to postpone approval of the March 6, 2001 City <br />Council minutes until the April 3rd Council meeting in order to have the <br />recording secretary address minutes related to E&H Earthmovers. (Motion <br />passed 4-0.) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 2001-017, Claim Numbers <br />18587 through 18622 in the amount of $63,944.14. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIESANFORMATIONAL <br />Charles Schneider, new resident in Hamlet of Sunfish, asked for <br />interpretation of the lighting code in reference to clarify standards for <br />interior lights in a screened porch and outside lighting. The Building <br />Official would not give him a Certificate of Occupancy until the interior <br />lights in his screened porch and outside lights were removed. <br />Council member DeLapp advised that the intent of the lighting ordinance is <br />to protect adjacent propertyowners and the traveling public from unwelcome <br />glare of uncontrolled exterior lighting. The Council gave the interpretation <br />of any structure -enclosed, glass or combination thereof, would constitute as <br />an interior. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to direct staff to bring back an ordinance amendment <br />to incorporate this interpretation and clarify interior lights in an enclosed <br />structure, such as screened in porch, alcove area. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Mr. Schneider stated security lighting is his concern. Derrick Construction, <br />his contractor, did not file with the City a lighting plan, and now he will <br />have to get new exterior lights. Building Official Jim McNamara responded <br />that Derrick Construction has a copy of the lighting ordinance and has done <br />work in the City. It's the builder's responsibility to pass the lighting <br />ordinance onto the homeowners. Council member DeLapp explained there is <br />about 8 fixtures from Menards that meet the lighting code. He doesn't want <br />to see the glare, to have light pollution, but to keep down the pockets of <br />glow. Some homes have 6 to 8 lights that have hot spots pointing to their <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 20, 2001 2 <br />