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Hunt would like the speed down from 55 to 40 mph on Inwood Avenue, <br />going downhill through the residential, past the cross streets. Capt. Johnson <br />will provide the Deputies a printout of accidents for Inwood Avenue and <br />Hudson Blvd and CSAH13. <br />5. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Temporary Lowering of Water Levels within the Lower St.Croix <br />Watershed District. <br />The amount of water in the snowpack throughout the District is <br />approximately 4.5 inches which presents a threatening flood condition <br />should a severe snowmelt event occur. If the lakes are not lowered, flood <br />elevations could exceed the projected 100-year flood levels. The Lower <br />St. Croix Valley Watershed District (formerly the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District) Board of Managers will implement the previously approved <br />implementation schedule. Notifications were made through the Pioneer <br />Press, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Oakdale -Lake Elmo Review as well as to <br />3M, Cities of Pine Springs, Mahtomedi and West Lakeland Township. Thin <br />ice signs will be placed at their respective water bodies. <br />6. CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Request to attend MN Municipal clerks and finance Officers Assoc. <br />Annual conference <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to authorize the Deputy Clerk and Administrative <br />Secretary to attend the Annual MCFOA Conference from March 21-23, to <br />be held in Alexandria, MN at the approximate cost of $700 to be paid out of <br />the conference budget. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIREBUILDING <br />A. Update on Fire Dept Activities <br />Fire Chief Greg Malmquist reported on new appointments, which will be <br />approved by resolution at the next meeting. ISO will reevaluate our fire <br />rating, which is a 6 and could get down to a 5. Nonhydrant areas are <br />currently rated a 9. The Dept. used the new thermal imaging camera at the <br />fire at Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber. A suggestion was made to use the <br />camera to find a waterleak. A lighting retrofit was done at the maintenance <br />building/fire hall and part of City hall. The Administrator will look into the <br />status of the Laverne Avenue Fire Hall. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 6, 2001 3 <br />