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9. PLANNING LAND USE & ZONING <br />B. SITE plan amendment 11200 St Blvd. <br />Planner Dillerud reported at its February 23 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission voted unanimously to adopt a recommendation to approve an <br />amendment to the Site Plan for the office building now under construction <br />at the Northeast corner of Stillwater Blvd. and Laverne Avenue. The <br />amendment proposed is to enlarge and enclose the structural connection <br />between the two "wings" of the building would become a fully enclosed <br />courtyard commons area. The Commission concurred that net impervious <br />site coverage would only increase fractionally, and that the amendment <br />would go to furthering the affirmative determination that the two wings of <br />the building truly constitute a single structure by City Code definition. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow - to approve an amendment to the site plan for 11200 <br />St. Blvd. based on the plans Staff -dated March 7th, 2001 and, the <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 4- <br />1:Armstrong: She beseeched the developer to come up with a new plan.) <br />C. Preliminary Plat Lake Elmo Vista (Metro Development) <br />Planner Dillerud reported at its March 23rd meeting, the Planning <br />Commission adopted a recommendation for approval of this application to <br />plat a 35 acre parcel as a conventional RE residential neighborhood of 10 <br />single family detached building lots (of which one lot contains an existing <br />home that will be razed). The Commission recommends approval of a <br />companion Subdivision code Variance (not zoning) to allow a reduction in <br />street right-of-way width of 1.09 feet along the north frontage of Lot 1, <br />Block 1. <br />Council member DeLapp suggested reducing the street width to 24 feet, <br />with which Tom Prew concurred. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow - to adopt Resolution 2001-021 approving a <br />Subdivision Variance to allow street right-of-way width of 48.91 feet along <br />the north frontage of Lot 1, Block 1; and, the street width be reduced to 24 <br />feet, based on compliance with the Findings required and the <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2001 11 <br />