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M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to adopt Resolution 2001-022 approving the <br />Preliminary Plat for Lake Elmo Vista. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />D. Planned Unit Development Concept Plan; Hiner Development <br />Planner Dillerud reported at its March 23, 2001 the Planning Commission <br />adopted a recommendation for approval of this PUD Concept Plan for the <br />development of a 58-acre site (Durow at the Northeast corner of Hudson <br />Blvd, and Keats Avenue) as a golf practice facility and condo office <br />complex. The golf practice facility would occupy the north 2/3rds of the site <br />(40 acres) and include a clubhouse and 92 tee stations at 9 locations. The <br />office complex would include 24 two -suite structures totaling <br />approximately at 105,000 sq.ft. and a single multi -tenant structure of appox. <br />40,000 sq.ft. The sum of the office use site area would be approximately 20 <br />acres. All proposed uses would be served by one or more engineered <br />Wetland Wastewater Treatment on -site systems. <br />The Planning Commission recommended that the 1997 Comprehensive <br />Plan, depicting RAD and LB land use classification for the site be <br />considered valid, even though the pending 2000 Comprehensive Plan would <br />reclassify the LB portion of the site to RAD. The zoning on the southerly <br />1/3 of the site should now be Limited Business. <br />Council member DeLapp asked that this item be tabled and asked the City <br />Attorney for a development moratorium in the 1-94 corridor; to be <br />terminated when ongoing controls become developed with the comp plan. <br />He stated he did not like a PUD for this project. Planner Dillerud stated <br />there is review with a concept plan. <br />Council member Armstrong stated that she could not see the Council <br />approving this before the comp plan is finished. <br />Council member Siedow voiced his dislike with moratoriums. He stated he <br />liked the proposal and thought the developer would be able to fill it up with <br />small businesses. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2001 12 <br />