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rj <br />Mayor Hunt stated our staff did nothing wrong and would have to vote <br />against motion, but he would be in favor of adding it to a future agenda. <br />M/S/F Hunt/Siedow - to have the City consider as an agenda item the land <br />use guiding for this property in the Comprehensive Plan for a future Council <br />agenda. (Motion failed 2-3 Armstrong:Not in favor to single them out, <br />Dunn, DeLapp). <br />Council member Dunn indicated she had previously received a call from <br />Mr. Regan on a water park proposal, but did not hear anymore. <br />Council member Armstrong did not agree that the land is not worth <br />anything if not business zoned. She said that we are not taking any <br />reasonable use from that land. She said that, at one time in the past, the City <br />made CSAH19 the westerly terminus for business zoning with regional <br />sewer. This piece was zoned business many years ago with the potential for <br />sewer to come from the South. That potential is gone. Now the city made it <br />RAD to stick with rural character. The guided plan with RAD does not <br />mean it will never rezone in the future <br />Council member DeLapp agreed with Concilmember Armstrong. The land <br />was zoned GB because there was buses being stored, and the City didn't <br />know what to zone property. <br />C. Resolution authorizing grant application submittal for Special Funds <br />for Innovative Stormwater Management Practices. <br />Jeff Berg, WCSCD, provided information on "Rainwater Gardens" for 50th <br />street in conjunction with paving of street, along with a copy of the grant <br />application, which will be prepared by the Washington County SWCD. Jeff <br />Berg will work with the city engineer for funding eligibility. The Rainwater <br />Gardens are intended to be in the right-of-way and will hold stormwater and <br />percolate in the ground. The cost share is 75% up to $40,000. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-019, A Resolution to <br />Enter into a Joint Application with the Washington County Soil and <br />Conservation District for Special Project Cost Share Funds through the <br />Board of Water and Soil Resources. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2001 <br />