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requested an opinion of the City Attorney regarding the legal issues raised <br />on the draft ordinance. Staff received the March 15, 2001 Attorney's <br />opinion regarding legal issues. The Planning Commission referred the draft <br />ordinance to the City Council for affirmation of the September, 2000 <br />direction by the Council as to Ordinance applicability. <br />All of the Council members indicated their appreciation for all the work <br />done by the Village Commission, which spent two years studying the <br />varying architectural styles that make up historic Lake Elmo. <br />Council member Dunn didn't want a design standard ordinance, but a <br />guideline for people to copy as they remodeled or built new. She noted that <br />the Public has been involved in this process from day one. <br />Council member DeLapp supported establishing a design ordinance for <br />commercial properties, but not for residential. He supported offering <br />homeowner's guidelines so they would have the design tools to preserve the <br />character of their city if they chose to. Because the City has had problems <br />with commercial properties meeting guidelines, he would want an ordinance <br />for commercial, but policy for residential. <br />Council member Armstrong said the City needs governing standards to <br />avoid design problems in commercial districts. She was very opposed to <br />having the City dictate the appearance of improvements to homes and; <br />would lean toward guidelines for residential. <br />Council member Siedow felt the guidelines as presented go way beyond the <br />City's responsibility to protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens. <br />These guidelines could be put in pamphlet as a helpful guide if they wish to <br />use it. He stated that the village area is way too large and should only be up <br />to railroad tracks. Future Councils might construe any guidelines as law, <br />even if they are only a policy today. <br />Mayor Hunt suggested this could be done in a staged process. The City <br />should try to better identify the core area. He would let residential go as a <br />policy. Ile suggested that the City try to heal its relationship with the <br />business community by asking business owners what they want in a set of <br />design guidelines. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2001 6 <br />