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W. C. Blanton, resident, spoke on behalf of people in attendance. He noted <br />he was pleased with Council comments. He asked who should have the <br />power to decide what a property should look like? He observed that any <br />law governing aesthetics would be nothing more than codification of <br />personal taste: whether it's the Minnesota Design Team, or elected officials <br />rendering the opinion. He stated that such an ordinance is an inappropriate <br />role for government. It's not the City's property. He suggested the Council <br />vote NO on the Ordinance and start fresh. <br />Roy Abbott, stated that he agreed with Mr. Blanton and would like to see <br />ordinance die. <br />Mayor Hunt stated that the City should build some trust between the City <br />and businesses. It goes beyond taste. Before any guidelines are drafted, the <br />Council should hold a workshop with the business owners about what they <br />want in the guidelines. <br />M/No Second Siedow/ - to direct the Planning Commission to cease activity <br />with this ordinance. <br />M/S/ Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the Planning Commission to turn attention <br />drafting a policy for construction and remodeling incorporating the aspect <br />of the ordinance; and, stop work on it as an ordinance. The City planner <br />would bring back a schedule of events and times to follow through. (Motion <br />Withdrawn). <br />Council member Armstrong stated she wanted the Council to look at any <br />guidelines first, before they send it to the Planing Commission. <br />Steve Continenza and Steve Johnson asked why not have the City invite the <br />20 to 30 commercial businesses for their input; and, work on a policy with <br />the Planning Commission. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to direct the staff to call a workshop to discuss <br />recommendations for guidelines as seen in the draft ordinance and invite <br />business community and residents (notice to invite 300 residents) for <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2001 7 <br />