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M/S/P Siedow/Dunn - to approve payment of $10 for each time Bruce <br />Engstrom checks the wellhouse, which payment will be credited to Mr. <br />Engstrom's water bill. (Motion passed 5-0. <br />Joint Meeting with Parks Commission: <br />Parks Commission Chair Bob Schumacher has asked for a joint meeting <br />between the Commission and the City Council to discuss the future City <br />Center, and their desire to create a park within this center. <br />MS/P Siedow/Dunn - to hold joint meeting with the Parks Commission on <br />Monday, April 16, 6 p.m. as requested by the Parks Chair, Bob Schumacher. <br />(Motion passed 5-0.) Council members DeLapp and Dunn cannot make this <br />meeting. <br />B. Donation of Used Equipment <br />Greg Malmquist, Fire Chief, submitted a memo regarding a request for used <br />equipment from the Heron Lake/Dundee/Okabena Fire Departments. Chief <br />Malmquist lists in his memo the equipment we have to offer. Administrator <br />Kueffner supported this request if the equipment is obsolete and not being <br />used, but feels the City should get an opinion from our attorney as to any <br />liability we may have. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn - to approve the donation of Used Equipment as listed <br />in Fire Chief Greg Malmquist's memo dated March 29, 2001 subject to a <br />Hold Harmless Agreement. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />7. CITY ENGIEERS REPORT <br />A. Bid award for construction of Old Village Well 2 Expansion <br />Tom Prew reported the city staff has completed the permanent easement <br />acquisition and the permit to drill the well has been recommended for <br />approval. Therefore, he recommends award of the contract for the <br />construction of Well No. 2 to Keys Well Drilling Co. The contractor will be <br />ready to commence work as soon as the site is cleared. Prew reported that <br />Dan Olinger is coordinating the site preparation work. Prew will also begin <br />work on design of the pump house at this time. Sketch plans of the new <br />facility will be available for review. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2001 <br />