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Mayor Hunt received a complaint that there is no silt fencing erected for home <br />construction in Prairie Hamlet, along 59 h Street and a wetland is being filled in. The <br />Council asked staff to inform the developer silt fencing is needed and to red tag the home <br />construction. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: 50th Street Roadway Improvement <br />This is a public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed improvement to 50th <br />Street and the affected propertyowners were notified of the hearing. Notice of the hearing <br />was published in the Stillwater Gazette on April 19 and April 26, 2001. <br />City Engineer Tom Prew presented the plan for the improvement of 50th Street from State <br />Highway 5 to CSAH17 (Lake Elmo Avenue). <br />Mayor Hunt opened up the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br />Jim Hansen asked why there is curb and gutter. <br />Rebecca Tenpas asked if they could petition to remove the curb and gutter. She wants to <br />deter people from cutting through as more signal lights go up on Highway 5. She asked if <br />the City could lower the speed limit and what could be done for safety at the intersection at <br />Tana Ridge. <br />The letter from Will Zind, 11255 50th Street, in favor of paving of this street was read into <br />record <br />Mayor Hunt closed the Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m. <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out there are two parcels that exceed 40 acres and will be <br />assessed as previous propertyowners that could develop OP in the future. Council member <br />DeLapp responded that the Council has an assessment ordinance on the table that would <br />deal this. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-029, A Resolution Ordering <br />Improvement and Preparation of Plans for the Improvement of 50th Street from State <br />Highway 5 to CSAH17 (Lake Elmo Avenue) and direct City Engineer to include a trail <br />extension on the North side of Tana Ride and East of the trail. (Motion passed 4- <br />1:Armstrong). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 2001 <br />