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9. PLANNING, LAND US� & ZONING: <br />A. Site Plan & Landscape Plan: E&H Earthmovers <br />At its April 9, 2001 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Site <br />Plan and Landscape Plan submitted by E&H Earthmovers in compliance with the <br />conditions of CUP approval. The Commission's action is subject to compliance with the <br />City Engineer's recommendations and provisions by the applicant of development <br />security, as required by Section 520. <br />Council member DeLapp asked if the applicant understands this building requires a <br />sprinkling system. When he had spoken to the City Planner, the Planner had noted it was a <br />commercial building and taxed as a Cl bldg. Tim Freeman responded it's an Ag building <br />and does not require sprinkling. Administrator Kueffner stated the use is commercial, but <br />the building is an Ag building as the storage business down the road are farm buildings, <br />but are taxed commercially. <br />Dan Johnson of Anderson Johnson, provided a landscape fly -by. <br />Council member DeLapp asked if Mr. Emerson would fill in with seedlings around the <br />pond on the East side. He requested a drawing showing what people will see when they <br />drive by because he could not believe one row of trees, 9' berm with 5' trees on top, would <br />cover 14' high rigs making them totally invisible from the road. Adjacent property is <br />interpreted as 4 lines, North, South, East and West. <br />M/S/F DeLapp/Armstrong — to table site plan review until the applicant can provide <br />elevation drawings showing you cannot see any vehicles because of screening. (Motion <br />failed 2-3:Siedow, Hunt, Dunn). <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to approve the Section 520 Site Plan and Landscape Plan for E&H <br />Earthmovers for the Non -Agricultural Low Impact CUP Site in the Southwest Quadrant of <br />Manning Avenue and Hudson Blvd. subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Compliance with landscape security requirements of City code. <br />2. Determination if building needs to be sprinkled before building permit is issued. <br />3. Future right to re-evaluate, after two years, if landscaping and berm still effectively <br />hides the equipment. <br />(Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp) <br />B. OP Ordinance Amendment — Continued Discussion <br />City Planner Dillerud provided the Planning Commission's January 22 Draft, with the <br />Council's February 27 changes. Bob Engstrom and Tim Freeman made a number of <br />suggestions during the February 27 Workshop, but none of those suggestions resulted in <br />Council direction to Staff for inclusion in the draft ordinance. The OP amendments are set <br />up as a new section to the City Code on the recommendation of the City Attorney. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 2001 5 <br />