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M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp - to table the Carriage Station PUD until June 19 <br />for submittal of drawings per discussion. Council member DeLapp will get <br />back on security lighting. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />C. Planning Commission Old Village Special Projects — Work Plan <br />Priorities - POSTPONE UNTIL THE JUNE 19the Council meeting <br />D. Final Plat and Development Contract - Lake Elmo Vista <br />The Council approved the Preliminary Plat of this RE plat for 11 single <br />family detached building lots on a site of 35 acres on April 3, 2001. Also <br />approved was a variance to reduce the right-of-way width of one of the <br />public streets by 1.09 feet. Tom Steffens presented the Final Plat, provided <br />construction drawings and cost estimates; and, the Forestation Plan for the <br />site. The City Attorney prepared a development agreement covering the <br />infrastructure improvements. An appraisal of the pre -development value of <br />the site has been completed by Scott Renne (at the applicant's expense) and <br />the Park Dedication fees payable before plat release is $46,130 (7% of the <br />appraised site market value). <br />There was Council discussion on if the code requires for every existing tree <br />to be identified. Mr. Steffens explained the developer is proposing to provide <br />100 new trees and will have 6 trees per acre. <br />Administrator Kueffner cautioned the Council with the planting problem in <br />Arabian Hills when the residents wanted the City to plant trees because the <br />developer did not. Attorney Filla had problems with not being specific <br />enough as to what kinds of trees, the size of the trees, and asked the <br />developer to provide a plan. Dillerud acknowledged the City has an escrow <br />for $27,000 and does have a forestation plan. The Council asked that the <br />distribution of trees be interspersed in equal amounts on each lot as a <br />condition added to the resolution. Council member DeLapp encouraged side <br />loading garages even if it is not required by code. <br />Administrator Kueffner suggested the individual builders provide escrow to <br />cover placement of the silt fencing because they are the guilty party. It's not <br />the developers neglecting to install the silt fencing for erosion control. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 2001 13 <br />