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Administrator Kueffner will look into the records to see if parking <br />restrictions were intended in Open Space developments and will notify the <br />HOA when this will be on a Council agenda. A "no parking" resolution will <br />be provided for the June 19s' agenda. <br />B. Water Ski Show: Tri-Lakes Association — Joe Kiesling <br />Joe Kiesling, Tri-Lakes Assoc., requested Council approval of a Water <br />Surface Use Permit for the Annual Water Ski Show on Lake Jane on August <br />18, 2001 from 1-5 p.m. The Tri-Lakes Assoc. has secured appropriate <br />insurance coverage and the Sheriff's Department has signed off on the <br />permit pending Council approval. The Fire Dept, has been contacted and <br />will provide an emergency vehicle. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve the permit request of Joe Kiesling, on <br />behalf of the Tri-Lakes Association, to hold a water ski show on Lake Jane, <br />August 18, 2001, from 1-5 p.m., based on the submittal of the appropriate <br />information and on past favorable reports. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />C. "Children Playing" signs request by Parkview Homeowner's <br />Association <br />The City received a letter from Melissa Bearth, Director of the Parkview <br />Estates Homeowners Association, requesting placement of "Children <br />Playing" signs at two entrances to the subdivision. The reason for the <br />request is the increase of construction traffic through Parkview Estates. <br />Administrator Kueffner understood the concern of these residents, but <br />historically the City has declined similar requests. If speeding is the <br />problem, then it is an enforcement problem where the City can notify the <br />Washington County Deputies to pay particular attention to this specific area. <br />M/S/P Dump/DeLapp — to direct the staff to place a temporary "No <br />Construction Traffic" sign at 16`h Street entrance into Parkview Estates and <br />at the corner of Inwood and Ivory, place a temporary "Children Playing" <br />sign in Parkview Estates and look into ways to divert traffic. (Motion <br />passed 5-0) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 2001 <br />