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09-18-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-18-01 CCM
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Council member DeLapp stated he is strongly opposed to the County's <br />formula to have installed signal lights because of Woodbury's growth. <br />Council member Dunn had a concern on water runoff <br />CSAH13 and 4th STREET: The Council would support the lights, but asked <br />how many lanes and what is the turn back schedule. MnDOT, County and <br />Council should meet to discuss scenarios and options. The County is <br />looking at this corridor completed by 2002. Mayor Hunt stated he didn't <br />buy requiring these turn lanes right away, but was willing to provide the land <br />for when the turn lanes are justified. Administrator Kueffner reminded <br />Council that the figures are based on report by Pope. Staff will come <br />together with options. <br />Eagle Point Rd: Mr. Wisniewski stated the County is not recommending <br />signalization because it doesn't see a real need for these signals, but to come <br />up with some manner on how to stage turn lanes. MnDOT is willing to <br />finance these lanes. The County is looking at 10-15 years in the future. <br />Council member Siedow indicated he still favors turnlanes even if growth of <br />Lake Elmo doesn't warrant them. Mayor Hunt asked the County to bring us <br />back a flexible proposal. <br />loth Street and CSAH13: The County completed a traffic signal design for <br />the 2000 construction season. This intersection was chosen for a traffic <br />signal under the County's Traffic Signal Ranking System. One of the <br />reasons why this intersection ranks high on the TSRS is the number of <br />accidents. Previously, the Council has recommended the installation of a <br />roundabout at this intersection. The County posed questions in their <br />September 7`i' letter and asked the City Engineer provide answers to their <br />questions about the recommended design since the County has already <br />designed a signalized intersection improvement. Mayor Hunt voiced his <br />concern on signalization of this intersection and gave example of accident at <br />Osgood with a driver trying to beat a red light. Council member Armstrong <br />is apprehensive about a roundabout at this intersection and hates to add a <br />roundabout to a dangerous situation. <br />Council member DeLapp pointed out the Council received a persuasive <br />presentation by the City Engineer on why we should have a roundabout. The <br />intersection should be simplified. Council member Dunn stated it was an <br />error and waste of money to put 16 lanes together through a cornfield, and <br />we should learn from this mistake and how the design can be improved. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2001 4 <br />
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