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whatever he can off of the old car, but does have a proposal for upgrades. These <br />upgrades will come out of Major Supplies for the Fire Department. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn - to approve the expenditure of $6,000 (plus tax if applicable) for <br />the purchase of a 2000 Crown Victoria from Washington County for use by the Fire <br />Department, based on a favorable recommendation by the Fire Chief. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />2. Approve Purchase of Foam <br />The Council received a purchase requisition and two bids for the purchase of a foam <br />injection system for two of the fire trucks. This item was placed into the 2002 Fire <br />Department's budget. Council approval is required per our purchasing policy. <br />Foam is $12 gallon. The Council indicated the City needs to have a handle on keeping <br />this cost down per year and asked Attorney Filla how we could charge cost back to users. <br />The Fire Chief was asked to get estimates from local department and what they budget <br />each year. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow - to postpone consideration of the agenda item until the July 2nd <br />Council meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />3. Approve Purchase of Jaws -of -Life <br />The Fire Department received a quote for two sets of Jaws, and copies of equipment <br />needed with this purchase. $34,000 was put into the Fire Department's 2002 budget for <br />this purchase. They are buying two pumps set of jaws and cutters, identical pump and a <br />copy tool, hoses and coupling, portable back pack unit. The Fire Chief explained they <br />cannot interchange the jaws and will trade in the 20 year old set for $2,000. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to approve purchase for two sets of Jaws of life and equipment <br />needed with purchase, per quote from Alex Air Apparatus, Inc, for a total of $34,000 <br />including trade in. (Motion passed 5 -0.) <br />4. Proposed By -Law Changes <br />The Council received several by-law changes and two SOG's proposed by the officer's of <br />the Fire Department. Fire Chief indicated the members that were present voted in favor <br />of the changes and the 30 days for Council approval has passed. It was suggested by the <br />City Administrator that the Fire Department members not get paid on a monthly basis <br />until the new finance director is on board, and the Fire Department Study has been <br />completed. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to direct the staff to set up a workshop to charter the Fire <br />Department Study Committee ,before the July 16 Council meeting, to prepare a report for <br />the Council based on what has been worked on reasons why, review 3-bylaw changes <br />and 2 SOGs. Notice of meeting is for the entire Fire Dept. No problem if the report <br />comes to the first meeting in July. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUKE 18, 200PYa <br />