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B. Shoreland Overlay District Variance — Jahnke/Leonard, 8242 Hidden <br />Bay Trail <br />The City Planner reported the Planning Commission recommended for approval, with <br />two conditions, of this application for a Shoreland Overlay District Variance to permit <br />additions to the existing house and garage, all of which are already located within the 100 <br />foot OHW setback. No increased encroachment on the OHW has been proposed with the <br />additions. The garage does meet the 30' front setback. The site is within the impervious <br />guidelines. No comments were received from the DNR. <br />Mayor Hunt stated the additions are away from the OHWM and characteristic of the <br />neighborhood. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 2002-056 approving a Shoreland Overlay <br />District Variance for additions to the home and garage at 8242 Hidden Bay Trail, based <br />on plans staff dated May 29, 2002, and the Findings and recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission, including the two conditions. (Motion passed 3-2:DeLapp —We should be <br />more sensitive with our water. Mitigation may be added in some cases to prevent <br />nutrients going into the lake; Armstrong: This would bring it so close to road you don't <br />need a driveway. Not in favor of garage addition or porch. This footprint is being <br />increased on such a small lot and more impervious surface coverage for the top stall. <br />C. Conditional Use Permit Amendment — EN Properties/Laidlaw Transit <br />The City Planner explained the Planning Commission, after receiving additional <br />documentation, recommended repealing the existing Conditional Use Permit for an <br />excavating contractor office/shop/storage at that site, and to approve a new (not <br />amended) Conditional Use Permit for a school bus office/shop/outdoor storage facility at <br />the site. The Commission recommended amending Section 300.07 of the Code to <br />increase the vehicle trips per day per acre allowable by Non-agricultural Low Impact <br />Uses to 6 trips per day per acre when there exists certain specified location characteristics <br />of the site. <br />Don MacFeely, Laidlaw Transit <br />There would be 56 buses for 175 days of school, with the 25 remaining buses parked on a <br />site in Afton. The entire 81 buses would be back for annual inspections, but would not <br />have driver vehicles parked. There will be no school buses parked on the west side of the <br />CUP site. The fence line will be on the CUP property. The trees on the berm are 7 or 8' <br />tall. The lights, requested by the developer, are designed for traffic convenience and not a <br />necessity. The position of the fueling facility is to gain a pattern of flow through the <br />yard. The fueling pad (which tank is sitting on) is doubled walled, bullet proof, and <br />capsuled for any leaks that may occur. MPCA requires a clean up kit. The buses in <br />Afton will be fueled in Afton. Bus washing: 2-1500 gallon storage tanks, 100% wash <br />water will be captured on it. They will keep records of waste on and off the site. The <br />buses are environmental friendly — have to meet the Clean Air Act. Council member <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 18, 2GUTQ 6 <br />