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Siedow asked if the buses could be fueled on the return trip and not in the morning when <br />they are cold and then idle spewing out fumes. <br />Planner Dillerud explained 4.6 trips per day per acre is needed for this site. There is <br />additional padding for some other future use. This ordinance would apply to any site <br />with sole access to Hudson Blvd. Council member Dunn voiced her concern if the <br />increase in vehicular traffic would mean installation of signal lights at the intersection. <br />Council member DeLapp: <br />He didn't think this was a beautiful addition for the City. He asked what about a <br />Sprinkler system? Are we putting in standards for sulfur emissions— no per Dillerud. <br />Concerned with the gas pipeline next door. Berm — busses 10 to 11' high. Who is going <br />to pay the cost to monitor spills as there are a potential for 81 vehicles using fueling <br />station? He question if the l Oth Street site is pollution free. <br />Council member Armstrong: <br />Who will monitor if other vehicles are using the site? The old site (1 Oth Street) needs to <br />be cleaned up and the dead trees need to be replaced. Attorney Filla responded the City <br />can add guarantees such as a performance bond or a condition that the new site not be <br />occupied until the 1o`h Street site is cleaned up. Armstrong suggested going down to 5 <br />trips per day per acre. (4.6 was a calculated number based on the applicant's modeling at <br />the high end). <br />Attorney Filla: <br />The City is authorizing this bus facility use for 2 years or whatever. If the City would <br />find this to be an undesirable use, the City could turn it down if it affects health, safety <br />and welfare of the residents. If the nature of this use does not change, the City would be <br />hard pressed to turn it down. He asked that EN Properties sign the CUP because he <br />wants the property owners to acknowledge restrictions. <br />Dave Schulz, West Lakeland Township, asked what the number of trips per hour per peak <br />time and has the County been contacted for traffic control? McDonalds and Holiday Gas <br />are proposed in West Lakeland which is across from the site. <br />M/SIP Siedow/Hunt — to approve Ordinance No. 97-112, amending Section 300.07 of the <br />City Code regarding allowable vehicle trips per acre per day for Non -Agricultural Low <br />Impact Uses, as recommended by the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 4-1DeLapp) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - Light stds — no new light standards added to the site. (There is <br />enclosed lighting in the fueling station.) (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Terry Emerson indicated he didn't have a problem adding landscape enhancement. <br />DeLapp/No Second - that the city plant trees along the road. <br />Terry Emerson thought clean up of the 1 Oth Street site was from the date of his building <br />permit, not approval date of the CUP. Emerson stated clean up should be done in a <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 18, 2001 7 <br />