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couple of weeks. He had no problem with the condition that he cannot occupy site until <br />the 10`h St. site is cleaned up. <br />The Council asked that the CUP include the following conditions: <br />1. No school buses on the west side. <br />2. Revised landscape plan to be incorporated as part of the permit. <br />3. No new lighting. Use previous lighting plan approved for prior occupant. (Fueling <br />station has enclosed lighting.) <br />4. Fueling facility to be located in order to accommodate traffic now and shall <br />comply with all applicable State and Federal regulations. <br />5. Afton vehicles fueled in Afton. <br />6. On -site bus washing facility to be used for bus exterior only and shall comply wit <br />all applicable State and Federal regulations. <br />7. Installation of a dry charge sprinkler system satisfying the building code. <br />8. Diesel bus fumes comply with regulations of the Clean Air Act. Buses kept on <br />site to be in compliance with the Clean Air Act standards. <br />9. The E&H site, at the intersection of CSAH15 and CSAH10, will be cleaned up <br />prior to occupancy at the Hudson Blvd, site by Laidlaw Transit. <br />10. Evidence of title in the name of EN Properties LLD and EN Properties LLC prior <br />to occupancy. <br />Council asked for applicant approval to extend the review period until July 2 because of <br />the 60 days review period timeline. Planner Dillerud clarified the City doesn't need it, <br />but we would like it. Mr. MacFreely stated the bus drivers have to be trained on their <br />routes.. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to postpone consideration of EN properties/Laidlaw CUP and <br />direct staff to amend CUP to include all the conditions discussed at this meeting, for <br />approval at the July 21d meeting. (Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp: When CUP approval has <br />been predetermined, and then it requires comments.) <br />D. Site Plan Amendment— Bremer Financial <br />Dale Glowa explained the peak and control program that Bremer has requested and stated <br />it is the same as used by Lakeview Hospital, but only quieter. The generator is fully <br />enclosed ant the size needed provides backup electrical source for this building. They are <br />spending $400,000 on this system. Glowa indicated the generator on the City's lift <br />system is louder than this system. The generator is basically the same elevation as berm, <br />visually making it go away. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn - to approve an amendment to the site plan of Bremer Financial to <br />add an electrical generation facility, per plans staff -dated May 24, 2002; and subject to <br />the condition that noise levels from the generator shall be field -certified on site by a <br />qualified expert to not be in excess of 60 decibels, measures at any site property line. <br />Said certification shall be at the sol expense of Bremer Financial; and, be submitted to the <br />City prior to issuance of a Certified of Occupancy on the structure. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 18, 200.J%Q <br />