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06-18-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-18-02 CCM
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E. Follow up from June 11 workshop re I- 94 MUSA <br />Planner Dillerud said he thought the intent of the Council for this agenda item would be <br />to address the question of what is necessary for the staff to do, if anything, to respond to <br />the condition placed when the comp plan was adopted regarding extending the MUSA to <br />Keats Avenue. <br />Council member Dunn explained when the City Council talks Urban we mean Business <br />Park. She is not in favor of expanding the MUSA. The City has a good mix of <br />commercial and residential. As long as the quality is there, what we are doing we are <br />doing right. <br />Planner Dillerud indicated that he believed that Met Council concurred with the next <br />steps in the Met Council review process of the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan that the <br />City suggested on June 11th. Marc Hugunin had, on June 1 Ith , suggested that at the <br />meeting between the City and Met Council staff there would be issues that won't be in a <br />public report. Met Council has insisted in bringing their attorney to this meeting between <br />staff so thought we better bring our attorney. <br />M/S/ Dunn/Siedow — to direct the staff to not appear at any meeting with attorneys in <br />attendance. Council member Armstrong thought Planner Dillerud could hold his own. <br />Council members Dunn and Siedow withdrew motion <br />The Administrator and Planner will bring the itinerary with prepared sites to be visited to <br />the July 2"d meeting. There will be17 Metropolitan Council Board Members and the Press <br />for Tour of Lake Elmo, week following July 4. Met Co. will supply the 52 passenger bus. <br />Step 3 Actual meetings with the full Met. Council Board. July 24 <br />At their first meeting in August can meet .... They will then have a meeting end of <br />August or beginning of September, with a drop dead date for a decision of September <br />13''. <br />F. OP Planning Consultant <br />Council member DeLapp voiced concern with the more recent OP Concept Plan that <br />have been presented to the City not meeting the more qualitative aspects of project design <br />of the ordinance. The later Concept plans have not addressed house design, view shed, <br />environmental aspects of the site and project landscaping in the degree of detail that the <br />Council intended. DeLapp requested the concept plans be reviewed by an independent <br />and license architect or a licensed landscape architect to be selected by the City. The <br />professional fee of which would be paid by the project applicant in addition to the normal <br />staff review and report. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to ask staff to investigate with the Planning Commission's input <br />on potential use of landscape architect in concept and less review in Preliminary Plat with <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 18,`2004:� <br />
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