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09-24-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-24-02 CCM
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Fire <br />The Mayor mentioned the Grass Rig replacement is coming up. Mr. Malmquist <br />mentioned that they have been keeping their fingers crossed for years that the current one <br />will hold up. Mr. Malmquist mentioned they are looking at a different style of rig, one <br />that could carry more equipment. They are looking at a 1— 1.5 ton truck. The Mayor <br />inquired on the salvage value of the current truck. Mr. Malmquist mentioned he would <br />like to keep it as a back-up. He mentioned we could explore selling it. The Mayor <br />inquired about neighboring communities. The Mayor suggested we approach the county <br />for cost sharing since the largest grassy area is the regional park. Mr. Malmquist <br />mentioned he has spoken with the county in the past. Mr. Malmquist mentioned they <br />respond to the regional park quite a bit. The Mayor suggested the County Board be <br />approached. <br />Council member Siedow inquired if the air compressor was for 2003 or 2004. The <br />Finance Director said 2003. Council member Siedow asked that the detail description be <br />corrected to reflect 2003. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired about the recent purchase of an air compressor. Mr. <br />Malmquist explained that the air compressor in the CIP is for breathing air and is <br />connected to the replacement of the air packs. They have looked at retrofitting the current <br />system. He also mentioned that the previous air compressor was purchased with funds <br />donated by the Jaycees. The air packs need to be upgraded to get air to a downed <br />firefighter. Mr. Malmquist has applied for FEMA grant money. If the grant is awarded <br />with some matching funds, they are looking at all new air packs. If the grant is not <br />awarded, the City still has to do something. The approximate cost is $4000 each and the <br />total cost will depend on the number of members. The air compressor is for high pressure <br />bottles. They currently use low pressure. <br />The Mayor said they have talked about the turnout gear and the washer. Mr. Malmquist <br />mentioned they are trying to find room for a washer but a washer was not in the CIP. The <br />Mayor mentioned they have received the facilities report. The cost of the washer is <br />approximately $2500. The City Administrator asked if foam was used on grass fires. <br />The Finance Director mentioned that one option for the turnout gear is -to -partner with <br />other cities that have the washing equipment until our facilities could hold the washing <br />equipment. Mr. Malmquist mentioned that our neighbors do have the washer, but they <br />don't have time to wait for it to wash and dry. <br />Mr. Malmquist asked about two other items not in the CIP. The first is the civil defense <br />sirens. The other item is the roof for the fire hall. The City Administrator said she spoke <br />with the City Engineer and he said the roof would be done this year, even if he had to go <br />up and do it himself. The Mayor said we will find the money for the roof somewhere. <br />The Finance Director said there is $9,000 in the operating budget for civil defense. It is a <br />transfer to the CIP. Apparently Mr. Malmquist is asking for additional alarms. The plan <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />
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