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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 8 <br />He said the city cannot wait that long. The Bodziaks must finish the exterior of the house, close it <br />and not use it. The Bodziaks suggest they can get the siding and windows done by April 15, The <br />Building Official would inspect and make sure it is safe. If enclosed, most of those issues should <br />be taken care of. The Bodziaks are in litigation with contractors for the liens that were filed. Their <br />remaining funds have been allocated to do the outside work. He told them that the city wants a plan <br />for when it will be done, and when the Certificate of Occupancy will be wanted. Under statute, the <br />council could order certain work done by a certain time. Then we could enforce it and do it <br />ourselves if it didn't get finished. The city could side it or board it up. We need to get in writing <br />from the owners the April 15 date. A contractor could give us an estimate to finish it if necessary. <br />Owners would cooperate to allow us on property to get that estimate. Their building permit has <br />expired. They paid for two permits so far. He asked the council to waive the fee if the work is <br />done by April IS. <br />The Building Official said we cannot waive the requirement of needing a building permit, just the <br />fee. A permit could be issued for limited purposes to get the exterior done <br />M/S/P, DeLAPP/DUNN, to give the owners of the Bodziak House until May 1, 2003 to finish the <br />exterior to the satisfaction of the Building Official, to include siding, shingles, and windows, and to <br />waive the fee for the building permit if the exterior work is completed by May 1, 2003. VOTE: <br />4:0. <br />Madden Report <br />Attorney Shoeberg was asked when the council will see the Madden Report. Mary Kueffner's <br />leave is due to end on March 28, 2003, and it was extended because the council is awaiting the <br />report. There is a need to take some action. <br />Attorney Shoeberg said that Susan Hansen had some difficulty with witnesses being able to <br />complete some things. Acting Mayor Johnston wants to see the report so the council can make <br />some decisions. Councilmember DeLapp said that decision was already made. Attorney Shoeberg <br />said he would try to get the report by the 26t" of March. Councilmember Dunn told him not to try, <br />but to do it. She is anxious to see it and the price tag for it. Acting Mayor Johnston said the council <br />should plan to have the report before the meeting and have it on the agenda for March 27, 2003. <br />The council needs to review the issue in light of complete information. <br />City Attorney Shoeberg's contract was renewed for 90 days. <br />M/S/P, DeLAPP/JOHNSTON, to renew City Attorney Shoeberg's contract for 90 days more. <br />VOTE: 4:0. (DeLapp- He would make it nine months. Dunn- Things got a little better; there is <br />still an issue with how things were done in December. She is glad to see these houses getting <br />cleaned up.) <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />Resolution No. 2003-026 Water Rate Fund Recommendations <br />The Acting Finance Director and the Acting Administrator have worked on the Water Rate Fund <br />structure for several months. Their recommendation includes raising gallon rates by 10% across the <br />board and changing minimums by certain classes to make them more equitable. <br />Councilmember Johnston asked which of the alternative proposals for Eagle Point customers, do <br />you recommend? The Acting Finance Director and the Administrator did not agree. The higher <br />minimum is harder to justify. <br />Councilmember Dunn asked why it is different from the Old Village customers. The Acting <br />Finance Director's perspective is we need as much cushion as we can get. That gives $11,000 more <br />cushion. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 <br />