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03-27-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-27-03 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 5 <br />never a trunk highway. Technically, only a trunk highway or a county road can be turned back. <br />Councilmember DeLapp remembered that the county said we'd get all the money as an MSA road, <br />so we took it. It already is designated. The City Engineer explained that it is a return not a turn - <br />back. Councilmember DeLapp asked if the intersections of Keats and Lake Elmo Avenue and <br />Keats and Inwood are just regular streets the city is paying for because that was not what was voted <br />for. The reason you would get it back was because you would get MSA credit. Councilmember <br />Dunn thought there was an incentive offered too. The Acting Administrator will verify it. <br />Councilmember Dunn recommended the council delay action. The Engineer said he pursued <br />getting those streets returned to the city. <br />M/S/P, DeLAPP/SIEDOW, to adopt Resolutions 2003-021 through 2003-025 for New State Aid <br />Routes. VOTE: 4:0. <br />Street Light Policy <br />The City Engineer was asked to look at our street light policy by the City Council. The city would <br />take responsibility for lighting some of the intersections that had high volumes of traffic - over <br />3500 vehicles per day. That would add twenty-one additional lights. <br />Councilmember Dunn said she was most concerned for safety, particularly on Highway 5. The cost <br />for electricity and maintenance is $1300 per year per light. She thinks each light should be <br />reviewed on its own merits. The City Engineer said the policy could be implemented over a period <br />of time. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said at least one dirt road is shown on the diagram with a light. Fields of <br />St. Croix have a lot of lights. The developer did not get permission to put them there. The city <br />should not be paying for it. Carriage Station has more people and no lights. It makes little sense. <br />He would like the plan to eliminate those not benefiting the city, and to add lights where people <br />want them. The plan appears to take care of state and county problems which those agencies <br />should pay for themselves. Councilmember Dunn agreed that unless there is a safety issue, the <br />state and county should pay for their own lights. Some of these developments have city -maintained <br />lights that were never approved. <br />Councilmember Siedow would like the criteria to be safety. Don't put up lights until the traffic <br />count rises to a certain point. <br />M/S/P, DUNN/DeLAPP, to table the Street Light Policy until the next council meeting and <br />identify separately those that are privately necessary. VOTE: 4:0. <br />Hill Trail Upgrade Update <br />The Acting Administrator received an appraisal report from Scott Renne. There is not going to be <br />enough gain in home value to have us increase assessment in most cases. <br />The Engineer explained that it is probably too late this year to do the work if you go through all the <br />steps. The earliest would be end of summer. <br />The Acting Administrator said the council needs to think about a long-term funding issue. <br />The Acting Mayor suggested the subject be discussed at another council meeting. Alternatives can <br />be addressed. The Engineer can look at several streets to review. The Acting Administrator and <br />Engineer can revisit options. They will come back to the council with it some time in April. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 <br />
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