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03-27-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-27-03 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 6 <br />9. PLANNING, LAND SSE & ZONING <br />Variance — Shoreland — Kostelnik <br />M/S/P, SIEDOW/JOHNSTON, to postpone at the applicant's request to the next council meeting, <br />the Resolution of Approval for a Shoreland Zoning Variance for Roger and Mary Kostelnik. <br />VOTE: 4:0. <br />Final Plat for LAKE ELMO BUSINESS PARK: RECO Real Estate <br />The City Attorney would like to limit the term of a preliminary plat extension. City regulations are <br />frozen for that six month period. This site was not included in the I-94 General Business <br />Moratorium because of the preliminary plat. The City Council has authority to approve this <br />extension for a specific time or not approve it at all. <br />Councilmember Dunn said she would deny it. <br />Katie Nath, RECO Real Estate/Resident <br />Ms. Nath stated that an extension would allow them to work with the city before she markets the <br />project so each knows what will go into that development. She is prepared to file the final plat <br />tomorrow but wants to incorporate ideas of the council. She thought it was a fairly common <br />request. <br />Councilmember DeLapp reminded the council that General Business Zoning could mean anything <br />from a church, gas station, market, or group home. He said Mayor Hunt thought we were talking <br />about an office park, like Carriage Station. The idea of an extension is frightening because General <br />Business standards allow all kinds of things. He wants some idea of who they are marketing to; <br />warehouses, housing, retail, what? <br />Katie Nath <br />We are not marketing to retail or gas stations because we understand those fears. They do not have <br />specific targets or customers. They would put up a sign and get some more specific details. As a <br />resident she values the ideals of the city also. <br />Councilmember Siedow said that because the property has no sewer and water limits it to an extent. <br />The Acting Administrator said that limits only intensity, not the uses themselves. <br />Acting Mayor Johnston said in a soft market, the extension would afford the applicants more time <br />to seek development projects that might be desirable to the city. <br />MOTION-DeLAPP, to approve the extension with the provision that there is desirable <br />development of that property. MOTION FAILED FOR A SECOND. <br />The City Attorney advised the council that they cannot change the Comprehensive Plan or Official <br />Controls for one year after plat approval. Lot sizes and locations are all that will be affected. That <br />has little to do with the process of marketing the property. <br />Katie Nath <br />If a user wanted a High Point, the six months would give them the time to change the lot sizes. <br />The City Attorney said there could be an amendment to the preliminary plat or the process could <br />start over. The blueprint for the plat may be too restrictive but the city needs to reserve the right to <br />change regulations without being tied into this plat that may be going nowhere. <br />The Acting Administrator asked if the applicant is ready to put in the final plat, then wiry haven't <br />they submitted it? <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 <br />
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