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03-27-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-27-03 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 <br />Katie Nath <br />They wanted to maintain flexibility for a prospective customer. <br />Acting Mayor Johnston said if they filed and developed something more appealing, he could not <br />imagine that the city would not approve it. <br />City Planner <br />The alternative is to file the final plat, approve it and don't record it. <br />City Attorney Filla recently dealt with an issue like this on another property. It was a large user <br />development that was amended or replatted. As part of a development application, they would just <br />replat. Final platting wouldn't significantly restrict the marketing ability. It does restrict the city's <br />ability to change regulations. <br />M/S/F, SIEDOW/JOHNSTON (for discussion purposes), to allow an extension at the applicant's <br />request, until October 1, 2003, for the final plat submission of LAKE ELMO BUSINESS PARK for <br />RECO Real Estate. <br />DeLapp-It is not in the city's best interest. Dunn- If they are ready to go, wouldn't theyjust want to <br />get it over with? <br />Katie Nath <br />She is asking not just for the city's benefit. She thinks it would be easier to extend than to file and <br />amend. Her engineer said the final plat would be ready to be filed tomorrow. She has not spoken <br />with her engineer in one month. <br />Acting Administrator -There would be additional costs to plat and replat. The city has done this for <br />a property on Inwood Avenue. Siedow-Maybe it would be better to postpone. Johnston -Their <br />proposal shows a spirit of cooperation, he would support the motion. VOTE: 2:2 <br />SIEDOW/JOHNSTON(Favor):DUNN/DeLAPP(Opposed) FAILED. <br />The Acting Administrator suggested reconsidering when five members are present at the next <br />council meeting. Ms. Nath would like notice of that meeting. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />Update on Junk Houses: Attorney Shoeberg <br />Hilyar Property <br />Attorney Shoeberg, the Acting Administrator, and the Building Official have met. Chief <br />Malmquist examined the Hilyer property. In its present condition, it is not more of a fire hazard; it <br />is just more of a hazard because it is empty. History on file substantiates razing and removing the <br />structure under statute because it is abandoned and dilapidated. The owner has the opportunity to <br />reply within 20 days. If not, the city could be allowed to raze the structure. After reviewing and <br />looking at it, they could raze it. They will then serve the owner with notice. The process will move <br />forward one way or the other. An Owners and Encumbrances Report has been ordered. If there is <br />more than one owner, they will amend the request. <br />M/S/P, DUNN/JOHNSTON, to instruct Attorney Shoeberg to proceed with the court order to <br />instruct the owner of the Hilyer property to raze and remove the structure on that property. <br />VOTE: 4:0. <br />Update on Junk Houses: Attorney Shoeberg <br />Bodziak House <br />Attorney Shoeberg had discussions with the attorney for The Bodziaks. They filed a claim with the <br />State Contractor's Fund. Even if entitled to funds, they would not receive anything until July 2004. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 <br />
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